She stared in the mirror,taking in the bruises which had become a permanent part of her appearance. Every day, her skin was mottled with shades of yellow, purple, and green. Every day, she lost a bit more of herself.

No longer was she the smiling, vibrant woman of her youth. That girl had been destroyed with each hit, with each hardened word from his mouth.

The door slammed downstairs, making it clear he’d gotten home. She rushed from the bathroom, surprised to find him hovering over their son with a sneer.

“What the fuck is he doing? That’s for girls. He’s got a dick, Lucinda. He’ll wind up like those — ”

She raised her hand to cut him off. It wasn’t in her character to do such. He’d proven time and time again her opinion wasn’t wanted. She’d followed his rule for years.

The only time she went against him was when it came to their son. Her maternal instinct was strong enough to overrule all other thoughts when he went too far.

“He’s playing. It’s not a problem. He’s only six years old. This isn’t going to have lasting effects.”

Instead of listening to her rational argument, he tore the doll from the boy’s hand, ripped the head off, then tossed the toy into the roaring fire. As the only heat source for their meager home, it swallowed the toy with ease.

It was there and gone in a single moment.

Sometimes she felt like her life was that way. Filled with flashes of change that took her from happy and thriving too desperate and afraid.

Their son tore out of the room, tears pouring from his eyes. He remained silent, because even at his young age, he knew not to provoke the large man in the room any further.

“This is all your fault,” he spit out, bitterness coating his words.

“My fault? I didn’t do anything. He’s a child. I let him have a toy he asked for.”

“Where did the money for that toy come from, huh? I better not have been paying for those little gay things he wants.”

She winced, hating how he used the word in such a derogatory way. He wanted to make his opinion clear. Being anything other than heterosexual was wrong in his eyes. You were meant to be strong and straight. That’s what made you a man.

As they stared at one another, her hatred for him rose to an all-time high. She didn’t want to answer his question about where the money came from. If she did, then she’d have to try to lie.

The money had been from her own personal stash, which had come from the extra she took each week of the grocery fund. It was meant to be money to run away with. However, when her boy’s eyes lit up at seeing the doll on the display, she couldn’t resist buying it for him.

Had she not been caught up staring at her wrecked reflection, she’d have heard the car pull up. She could have grabbed the toy and hidden it before he had a chance to get involved.

“ANSWER ME!” he roared, spittle flying from his lips as he charged across the room to her.

She stood her ground, courage unlike anything she’d ever felt surging through her.

Rather than answer, she said, “I’m going to go make dinner,” then headed for the kitchen. She made it as far as the stove before she felt the pull of her short hair. It had been yanked so many times; she’d cut it in an attempt to stop the movement. Sadly, it only made him more determined to make it hurt.

He swiveled her around until they were nose to nose. “Tell me where you got the fucking money. Are you spreading your legs? Whoring yourself for other men to buy him things? Am I not giving you enough?”

As he made outlandish accusations, he pressed his hardening cock against her hip. She wanted to pull back, but his grip was too tight. There would be no moving unless he allowed it.

“Did you think I wouldn’t find out? I know everything that happens in this house. My family is mine to rule!”

A tiny figure grabbed hold of her leg, making her jolt. She immediately knew who it was.

“Sweetheart, go back to your room. Daddy is just talking to Mommy. It’s ok.”

The man scoffed as he tightened his hold. “Let her go, boy. This is adult business.”

“No! Mommy needs me. You have to stop hurting her.”

Her heart stopped as she watched his tiny fist reach out to hit his father. The world came to a standstill as the hand clutching her hand dropped away.