“Or maybe they’ll start to see you as corrupt? Did you ever think that?” Tank threw back.
“If they assume that much, then that’s on them. I’m half tempted to drop out of the race anyway. I’m sure I could get a job with a certain security company if I wanted to.”
At my words, the group around us laughed. Cohen told me, “Absolutely not. If you’re at the office, all you’ll do is fuck. It’s not fair to the rest of us.”
Ronan grunted. “I hate to agree with him, but you two do have a bad habit of not keeping it in your pants.”
I blushed at the pointed look he shot me. So maybe we’d been caught a time or two at the office. It was hard not to when Tank’s place was in the same building. I’d never had such easy access to my boyfriend. It was like letting a sugar addict loose in a candy store.
“We’ll work on that,” I told the team. “Besides, I think there might be some new developments to handle if I win the election.”
I thought of Emmett’s call and how he believed in me for change. It made me wonder how many people assumed I wasjust like my father. Granted, I’d been trying to emulate him for a long damn time.
Now though, I saw how fruitless it was. The man was miserable. So much so he’d tried to control my life to be what he missed out on.
Never again.
I’d live my life on my terms from now on. Anyone who didn’t like it could fuck right off.
What in theworld had I done to deserve this?
“I can’t believe you convinced me this was a good idea,” I told Chance as we exited the private plane at Bellport Regional Airport.
Today I was going to see my brother Kendall for the first time in person. We’d video chatted and spoken on calls plenty of times, but never in person. It was going to be odd to see what the man was like outside of a screen.
“You’re going to be fine. Besides, if you don’t complain too much, I’ll let you take control later. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
My cock ached at the promise. It HAD been a while.
Somewhere along the way, I’d become spoiled at the way Chance fucked me. It was never the same way twice in a row, and that type of variety called to me in a way I couldn’t resist. Other people would have thought it odd that I could so easily submit to him when I was practically a dictator in my chosen career path.
I personally saw it as me wanting to give a piece of myself to him that I couldn’t to others. Plus, the stress relief was out of this world for us both.
He got to actually control someone, and I got to let go. It made a lot of sense actually.
Not that anyone needed to know all those details. I’d just thought about it a helluva lot in the last few weeks.
“And you’re sure it’s fine that we’re here this close to the election? It’s only days away. Shouldn’t you be campaigning?” I asked again. It was something I’d mentioned on the plane too, though he’d redirected the conversation like the professional politician he was.
Chance ignored me as he dropped into the car waiting for us. I rolled my eyes at his avoidance. He couldn’t escape me for long.
Not when we’d have to be together in the car alone as we drove to Kendall’s apartment. Or what passed as an apartment since his place was supposedly ‘unique’ as he’d explained.
With Kendall, there was no telling what that really meant.
Once we were on the road, I turned to my boyfriend, intent on getting him to spill whatever he was hiding.
“What do you know?”
He shook his head, keeping his gaze out of the window. “Nothing.”
“That’s a lie, Chance. I know it is. Tell me what you know.”
“I don’t know anything. Just sit back and relax. We don’t have long until we get there.”