“Wow! That was amazing. Do you have any other party tricks?”
“Get serious, please. What else do you know?”
At his brother’s question, Kendall continued. “Lune, or rather Pratt as he’s legally listed, has a residence right outside of the city. It’s on a huge plot of land that’s supposed to be earmarked for agriculture. There were some shady deals, hence why it’s really a front for his stuffs.”
“Stuffs?” I asked.
“You know. His killing and dealing. The guy basically runs an underground fight club out there. It’s all the rage if his bank account is anything to go by. Man is packing a lot of commas, if you get my drift.”
I shook my head. “You found all this out?”
“Um, yeah. I didn’t make it all up. I’m no storyteller.”
“How?! Memphis couldn’t get it. Ricardo came up short too.” Tank’s incredulous tone didn’t go over well with Kendall.
“Maybe because I really am the best like I’ve told you.” He scoffed. “It’s whatever. I’ll send your precious Memphis the details.”
The call disconnected, leaving Tank and I to stare at one another. Talking with Kendall was like being caught in an unexpected storm. I wasn’t sure where to go or how to recover from the whirlwind.
And I still needed to speak with Dallas. This day kept throwing me curve balls left and right. I hoped the lawyer wasn’t going to be another one.
“I’ve underestimated him,” Tank admitted.
“Sounds like it. How will you make it up to him?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure, but most importantly, I have to keep him alive.”
“You’re going to send someone?”
“Yeah. I know just the guy to go down there. I’ll owe Rojas some back-up at the Club, but it will be worth it. I trust Frost to take care of him.”
Whatever his plan, I hoped it didn’t upset Kendall even more. If he could find the man they’d been hunting for so long in such a short amount of time, who knew what other kind of damage he could cause?
He was Tank’s brother after all.
Their brand of justice might be genetic.
“How the fuckdid he do this?!”
Every head in the room turned towards Memphis at his shout. I raised my brows at Sinclair, wondering if maybe he’d forgotten to feed his boyfriend again. Hangry Memphis was scary. About as scary as the non-caffeinated version.
“He got an email,” Sinclair said in reply to my stare.
“I didn’t just get an email. This is claiming they know exactly where to find Lune.”
Ronan stood, moving quickly to reach Memphis’s desk. “Who sent it?”
“Kendall did.” Tank spoke with purpose as Chance walked with him into the room.
He didn’t look all that rested. In fact, from the way he was speaking, I doubted he took any time off at all. Especially not if this Kendall person had been working for him too.
This screamed boss man behavior.
“Who is Kendall?” I asked.