When I swiped to the next page, something immediately caught my eye. It was a symbol I recognized all too well.

Turning the device to Orion, I tapped the screen to enlarge the area I wanted to showcase..

He leaned closer. “Is that what I think it is?”

I nodded, then pointed to his tablet. Without me explaining, he knew what I wanted him to do. It was pretty obvious, even without his ability to read people so well.

As he swiped past everything he’d been reading to go to the crime scene photos, he handed the device over. We both knew I’d find it before him anyway. Between his exhaustion and my observation skills, it was the best plan of action.

One quick scan over the image gave me what I was looking for. I zoomed in again, then turned it his way.

“Dammit. You’re good.”

I raised a brow at him.

He grinned. “Don’t be cocky about it. That isn’t you.”

Nodding to the others spread around the room, I hinted that maybe we should see if there was any other match. Orion knocked on the table twice since my hands were full with both tablets. When everyone turned his way, he reached over to take the devices from me so I could communicate.

Signing, I told them, “We’ve found something at two of the sites. I’ll need to check the images to see if there are anymore.”

“What did you find?” Memphis asked with a frown.

“A symbol.Thesymbol.”

He cursed in response. “Damn. Ok, that’s definitely important. Let me send you one document with all the images at once. Then you can go through them quicker, yeah?”

At his words, everyone else went back to their tablets. I gave him a curt nod, then leaned back to wait.

My husband tugged on my sleeve. “You really are something else. I bet a hundred other people looked through this and never saw anything.”

“I also have a program running through it. No hits yet. He’s a fucking wizard.”

Archie and the others laughed at Memphis’s teasing. I only smiled, shaking my head at his ridiculous nature.

“You’re amazing,” Archie signed. “I love you so much.”

I loved the moments where he communicated with me like this. He knew I could hear him, yet he’d take the time toshare with his gestures instead. It made me feel like those conversations were only for just us two. I knew the guys could tell what we were talking about. All of them were knowledgeable enough now.

But still.

Something about it was special.

I’d never take it for granted.

“All done. Work your magic, oh wise wizard Takeshi, sir,” Memphis shouted with a dramatic wave of his hand.

I picked up my tablet and opened the attachment he’d sent over. There was work to be done. I could moon over my husband later. After all, he was mine forever. Time wasn’t an issue.



Tank tookthe loss of the Linds exactly how I’d expect him to, yet so much worse than I could have fathomed. He shut down completely. It’s as if he was here and not here all at once.

His eyes were open.

He was responding.