“I discovered that Diestro donated to one of the mayoral candidates.”
Varied reactions moved across their features. Shock and anger. Even some confusion.
"What an idiot," Cohen said.
Godric nodded along with his boyfriend as Ronan asked the question I had. "What’s the point? What’s he trying to tell us?"
I had to bite my tongue because what he was trying to tell us was obvious to me. It wouldn't be to them though.
"Maybe he's conservative and wants to support it?" Sinclair said when I didn't speak.
Memphis snorted from behind the desk. Sinclair rolled his eyes at his partner's response as Archie and Takeshi began signing to one another.
I picked up on part of the discussion, but since it seemed private, I didn't want to intrude. Takeshi had grown so much since Archie's arrival. He was like his old self, but not. Instead of being closed off and keeping thoughts to himself, he spoke up more often now.
He would sign to us, making sure we understood what he was saying, since some of us were a bit slower to learn than others.
I myself had worked with Archie privately as well as hiring outside of us to make sure I could pick up everything. I knew that the two of them were talking about me and why I kept going to the city building.
It was just another reason I shouldn't snoop where I wasn't supposed to be.
Damari raised his hand. I smiled at him and nodded his way.
“Could it be that he wants us to know that he knows we're looking for him? Like this is him waving the flag to say he's here?”
I tilted my head. “That's a good guess. I have a feeling it's some of that.”
Orion heard what I didn't say. “And what else are you feeling, boss? There's something you want to tell us? Something the team should know?”
Of course Orion would be the one to pick up on my tenuous emotions.
“I don't have all the details just yet. This is what I do know and what I need your help with. It does me no good to speculate this early on.”
Was it true?
Was it the full truth?
Not necessarily.
Orion let it be, though, and his husband Arick pulled him closer. The two of them were wrapped up together, having barely been separated since everything happened. Sol, their son, was asleep in the room down the hall after having been sugared up thanks to Memphis. The kid had taken to everyone once he had his dad back. We were all treated like uncles, which only added to the feeling of family.
Part of me wished Chance could experience it because I knew that. What he knew to be family wasn't anything of the sort.
What he had in his life were expectations and demands. He had people who loved him conditionally based on his performance and what he could bring to the family name.
I did my damnedest to show him love could be unconditional. That you didn't have to be anyone specific and simply expressing yourself as you were was enough.
And still it never seemed to be.
As Memphis worked, the guys discussed different theories. They were running along the same page that I was, and thankfully none of them brought up that it could be a way to target me directly.
They all figured that Diestro was going for city-level influence. That if he donated millions of dollars, he might have a mayor in his pocket. That he could influence decisions and help his business.
But we still weren't quite sure what his business was.
Mordecai had been into bodies, like the evil bitch she was.