I'd heard enough of the jokes and seen his teasing flirtatious ways to know that there was something else going on when itcame to long-term relationships. Something I was curious to find out more about.
That wasn't my focus right now, though. I needed to get us away from here.
“Why don't you ask Archie to watch Sol while you’re gone?” He suggested.
My eyebrows rose. “You think he'd be okay with that? We might be gone a few days.”
“I think Archie would love it. They could call it a slumber party or something. Those two have grown really close since you brought him in.”
I knew the truth behind those words because Sol was obsessed with Archie. He loved learning sign language and knowing that he could speak to Takeshi directly. He even started working on it at home by answering questions by sign instead of with words.
Orion and I always smiled and responded in kind. It was good practice for us all. Takeshi always seemed to brighten when one of us knew a new word or phrase.
This was what family was like. It's what healthy relationships looked like.
“There will be a jet waiting for you at the private airstrip. The pilot knows your names and everything. You just tell him where you're going, and he'll get you there. He'll also stick around for about three days or so. After that, I'll need to coordinate a different return.”
I shook my head. “No, three days should be plenty. Thank you for this.”
He smiled, then waved me away.
I left the room feeling lighter. With the most difficult part of the plan in place, I only had to emotionally prepare myself for what was to come.
It was hard for us to talk about the past. We had mostly avoided it in hopes that our future would be focused. At the same time, we understood that who we were was a direct reflection of everything we've been through.
Maybe if we skipped over the dark parts, we could embrace all the things that were good in our childhood.
The next day, I woke up excited for what was to come. I packed bags for me and Sol.
“Pack for a few days,” I said to Orion as I rushed around our bedroom. He smiled indulgently and did as I asked without question.
“This is part of the secret, isn't it?” he asked later once the bags were all ready to go.
“It is. I think it's one of those things you just have to see to believe.”
We got an eager Sol dropped off at Archie and Takeshi’s home. The couple was more than happy to take him in. I didn't know if they were planning to have children in the future, but with the way Archie was a natural paternal figure, it seemed a waste for them not to. Maybe they could foster together.
The man deserved to share all that love with others. My son was already a better person for all that he had received from these amazing men.
We got in the car and left their place quietly. Neither of us spoke along the drive since there wasn't really much to say. Orion wasn't typically this quiet, but I think he was trying to guess what in the world I could have as a surprise for him.
I knew that no matter what he guessed, he would be wrong. He couldn't possibly know what I had done, what I had hidden. If he did, it would be because he was psychic or something.
I drove us to the airstrip and laughed when his brows furrowed.
"We're flying somewhere," he said.
I bit my lip. "We are."
"Okay, the mystery just got a little wilder," he teased.
"Any hints?"
"Not from me."
We climbed out and were greeted by a young male flight attendant. "I'll get your bags for you, sir," he said as he pushed between us to grab the items we had.
Orion smirked at my shock expression.