I raised my hands and mimed zipping my lips.
“Now then, why don't you get back to work? If Orion wants to come get you to join his little party, I'm sure he'll reach out.”
I shook my head. “No need. He can have his fun. I just want to know the job's done.”
Tank gave me an appreciative look. Like he was truly seeing me for the first time and understood I could be just as bloodthirsty as the rest of them.
I shrugged, then left the office and went back to the war room. The other guys were whispering amongst themselves. They stopped once I returned.
“No need to keep it all a secret. I'm not going to get mad or anything. Let's let Orion and the others have their fun. I'm sure he’ll tell me about it when he's back.”
Cohen whistled and pumped his fists in the air. “Alright, we've got another one.”
Godric dipped his head at me and said, "Welcome aboard the crazy train."
Memphis grumbled something, though he didn't have the same excitement as the others.
I didn't care because at the end of the day, I was just happy to have found people who not only offered me a job and a better life but protected me and my family. I was surrounded by others who would help if I needed it.
That was worth everything. It was worth every second we'd gone through, and I would never take it for granted.
"Well, well, well,"I said, my voice full of malice.
I walked slowly around the man strapped to the chair. He was bleeding from multiple wounds he’d gotten as we pulled him out of that van.
The truck that was supposed to transport Jackie Varr to the next prison facility he would stay in, one that was designed for the more elite crowd, didn’t quite finish the job. Not after I’d come up with a plan to give him the ending he deserved.
It was one of the better plans I’d crafted.
When I pulled Takeshi, Ronan, and Tank aside and told them I wanted to take care of Varr the way he should have been, they were more than happy to help me. Especially since I had jumped in to help them more than once over the years.
Most recently, with both Archie and Damari, I had assisted them in saving their men. Getting revenge would have to be the next best thing for me. There was no going back in time to fix the mess Varr had started.
Tank offered us whatever means necessary to get the job done. He would stay back to help provide a cover story if it was needed.
While I was the one who came up with the idea to blow up the truck, Takeshi helped me narrow down the plan to be effective. And Ronan, knowing that Memphis had the tech skills to coordinate it, found a way to remotely control the truck so we could reduce any possible casualties.
In fact, the bomb was planted on the robotic instrument that he used to drive.
The two guards who were supposed to transport Varr were unconscious in the back room of a restaurant that wouldn’t open for another hour or so. Even when they did wake up, it would take a while for them to realize what had occurred. The sedatives we gave them were strong enough to give us plenty of lead time.
Since the route for the truck was down a mostly abandoned road, Memphis could make all the different traffic lights play just how we needed to prevent any unwanted accidents.
The plan went off without a hitch. We were able to snatch Jackie Varr and move him to another location before we blew everything to pieces.
I knew by now that Arick had to have seen the news. I wondered if he would be thinking of me and putting two and two together. Or if he'd be so shocked at what happened that his mind would ignore the possibilities.
“What do you want?” Varr grumbled as he fought to keep his head up.
Takeshi sat in a chair behind me on the left. Ronan stood menacingly on the right.
I'm sure to him we looked like a bunch of thugs in our all-black outfits with our weapons strapped all over us. To us it was just another workday.
Though admittedly, this was personal.