He hummed, then asked, “What’s this all about? We don’t really do the phone call thing, and I can tell you’ve got something to ask me. Out with it.”
“That’s a new trick. Your stern dad voice is interesting.” I rubbed my jaw. “And yeah, you’re right. I was calling to ask you a favor. It’s a big one, and I understand if you can’t — ”
“You haven’t even asked. Maybe I can. Just spit it out. I’ve got to fit in a quickie with my man before dinner.”
I chuckled at how dire he made it sound. That was Beau for you, ever the character. I wondered if his was an act as much as mine was. I suspected so.
“We have a pretty intense case going on right now. There was a bust — one that led to us finding people being treated like cattle. You getting what I’m saying?”
His gasp told me he had.
I continued. “Most of the people have been helpful and eager to find a new home. All except one young boy. He’s… I’ll be honest, Beau. I think I know his father. And if I do, he’s going to be overjoyed to have his son back.”
“Ohhhhkay. Then what’s the issue? Why not have a family reunion and call it done?”
“Because I don’t know where the man is. And I don’t want to tote the boy around while I hunt him down. It wouldn’t be good for him.”
Beau was silent for a minute. Then he said, “I’ll do whatever you need.”
There he was. The good guy I remembered. He was what I would have hoped to be if I hadn’t gotten into protection detail. A standup guy who was charming to all those around him even if he might be a bit much sometimes.
“You don’t even know what all I’m asking.”
His laugh was harsh. “I have a good idea. You need a place for the boy to be. I’m more than equipped to keep him here. And we’ve upped security after all the shit that went down with Bobby Allen’s boy. You don’t have to worry about us once he’s here. And he can stay as long as he needs. Dakota will love having a friend around.”
“He’s not talking. Hasn’t said a word to any of us,” I admitted.
“Doesn’t matter. We can talk more than enough for all of us. He’ll be entertained and safe if nothing else. Bring him down.”
I groaned. “That’s the other issue. Tank thinks I’m coordinating getting his parents to come up here. He told meto stay put until they arrive. I don’t know how I’m going to get around him on this.”
Beau whistled softly. “Well, there’s really only one option. You ever heard of the saying ‘ask for forgiveness instead of permission’, my friend? This feels like a case where that might be your best option. Bring the boy here and then find a way to apologize to Tank. I’m sure he’ll overlook it, especially if this case is as big as you’re insinuating.”
As much as I didn’t want to agree with him, Beau was right. This would be a time when I’d have to ignore Tank’s opinion on the matter. Besides, if I took him there, I could ensure he was comfortable before I began trying to track down his dad.
Without any leads, it felt like a useless mission. But I knew my old friend, and if his son was missing, then he was doing everything in his power to find him.
“Give me a few hours, then we’ll be on our way. Will you be ready then?”
He laughed. “I could be ready in half an hour if needed. Our emergency preparedness game has increased. You can see it all when you get here.”
We ended the call shortly after I confirmed the ranch address and further confirmed Sean and Atticus, the ranch’s owners, wouldn’t mind us barging in.
I breathed a sigh of relief once I hung up. At least part of the issue would be taken care of. The Coleman Ranch men would take care of the boy until I came back. I had no doubt about that.
The boy, who I was going to have to stop referring to as such soon, was staring at me with a curious expression. I wondered how much of what I said made sense to him. I hadn’t censored myself, though I probably should have.
Hindsight and all that.
“I’m going to take you to stay with someone I know. It’s a safe place far from here and any bad people. You can stay there while I look for your dad.”
His bottom lip trembled slightly, the only outward sign he was affected by my words. I wanted to wrap him up in a hug and tell him it would all be ok. He reminded me too much of my old friend and the familiarity was fucking with me.
I cleared my throat. “We’ll get you some new clothes and you can shower. Once you’re clean, we’ll head out and get food on the way. Are you allergic to anything?”
When he didn’t move, I tilted my head.
“Can you give me a nod or a head shake please? I need to at least have some idea of what I can feed you or else it will be baby food style applesauce and peas, so I don’t risk a reaction.”