Tank informed us we could leave and that the rest of the team would handle the work needed to prepare to take out Varr. He said we needed time to relax after a busy morning.
I wanted to thank him profusely, though I didn’t think it would go over well. If anything, it would have only dragged out the quick goodbyes we gave before we headed home.
Just as I’d said to Olivia, Sol was exhausted. He and the three Varr children were bouncing off the walls with Archie once we got back from the park. He kept nodding off the whole way home.
He passed out the minute he made it to his room, face first in the pillows and all.
Orion chuckled behind me, then pulled me by my hips back so he could close the door. Silently, he led me down the hall and down the stairs to his room. To our room.
It would take time for that to sink in, for me to feel like I truly had become a part of the space.
When we were behind the closed door, and I knew the house was secure, it was as if the gates inside me broke open. I tugged Orion forward and kissed him, letting all the emotion I felt for him, all the desire and the need, surge out of me.
He didn't hesitate to kiss me back. His hands grabbed me, pulling and tugging me closer as if he could not get enough.
I knew I couldn't.
As we became tangled up in one another, I gave myself permission to just be in the moment. I wouldn't worry about my son or the future or money. All I needed was Orion: his body, his pleasure, his love.
The last one was something that would take more time. He hadn't said the words back to me, nor did he call me out for them. There was a look in his eye that said he would soon.
It was coming, whether I liked it or not.
I welcomed the discussion about us. Only it would have to wait.
I pushed away all my thoughts to drift further into feeling. His hands roamed my body as his tongue swept across mine. He tasted me over and over and over.
He tugged at my clothes until they came free, baring my body to his greedy gaze. I did the same for him, not stopping until his skin pressed against mine.
When we were both naked, we pulled back, panting. Our chests rose and fell in sync. The connection we had was so intense that it felt as if we were already one.
Orion's gaze swept down my body. I returned to favor, noting every muscle and every blemish, every scar.
He would have to tell me those stories another time. I was too keyed up. I needed him too damn bad.
"What do you want?" he asked me.
"You," I replied.
He bit off a curse, then came at me. He moved so fast I braced myself for the blow. Only his touch was softer this time. He was savoring me. His mouth went to my neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses against my heated skin.
I would have marks; of that I had no doubt.
But I didn't care. I leaned my head to the side, giving him even more room to work.
Paint me, Orion. Make me your canvas and cover me with your marks.I thought the words, though I didn't say them.
Orion did as I wanted anyway. Again, we were so in sync that he knew what I needed before even I did.
When he'd had his fill, he leaned back to look me in the eye. His hand wrapped around my cock in a bold move of ownership. I jolted at the contact, still off-balance from the passion he placed upon my upper body.
"I need to taste you," he said.
I nodded, then watched as he slowly lowered to his knees. His movements were reverent, like he wanted every second to count in this slow, torturous build-up.
I wanted to scream at him to hurry up, and yet I felt such contentment at the pace he'd set. This is how it was meant to be between us. How it would always be if I had a say in it.
Looking down at him, I found his eyes locked on me already. I'd been too caught up in my head again, so I shook myself, then ran my fingers through his hair.