“One night, my friend showed up on our doorstep. He was beat up pretty badly, and his dad had passed out, so he came into my room and my mom made sure he had a comfy place to lay while he slept. He went to sleep pretty quickly after taking some medicine, but I stayed away for hours. I watched him, and I worried about what would happen if we weren't around next time. What would happen if his dad took it a step too far?

“See, I was just a kid, but I understood enough to know that what was happening wasn't right. I knew that parents were meant to protect their children and love them and take care of them like my mom had done for me. I wanted nothing more than to pull my friend out of that house and bring him to live with me. Then he would never have to worry about his father again. All my worry meant that by the time I did fall asleep, my dreams were fitful. I woke up choking on a scream with arms wrapped around me kind of like this.”

I squeezed him tighter showing just how I was holding him.

“My friend woke me up by reminding me that I wasn't alone. He said all the bad things I had thought about hadn't happened and that he was still with me. He stayed in my bed with me the rest of that night. Any time he got hurt, he’d come over, moving straight into my room so we could sleep side by side. My mom didn't even pretend to make a spot for him on the floor anymore because she just knew how close we were. He was my best friend.”

Sol tapped my nose to get my attention. I hadn't realized that I had gone into a daydream-like state as I talked.

My eyes were unfocused. Once they cleared, I could see the frown in his expression.

"You want to know what happens to that friend, don't you?" I asked him.

He nodded again.

"Well, we were close up until the day I was taken. When those men picked me up and threw me in the back of their car, I lost contact with him. I lost contact with everyone. I vanished according to the authorities… the police,” I clarified when he frowned. “And by the time I was able to escape and get safe, my mom had passed away and my friend was nowhere to be found. I've looked for him on and off for years, but I've never been as close as I have recently. I'm still holding out hope that I'll find him. I need to tell him what happened that day wasn't his fault. Need to remind him that I'm still here for him even if others aren't. And I need to make sure that if his father is still alive, that he can never get close to him again. I want to protect him, Sol, just like I want to protect you.”

I hadn't meant to get so deep into my past with him. It was just a natural thing to do. He reminded me so much of Arick and how he would listen to me ramble for hours on end.

I was about to suggest he go back to sleep when his arms wrapped around my neck, and he tucked his little face into myshoulder. He hugged me tighter than I thought his little body was capable of.

I squeezed him back gently, letting him feel the fierceness of my affection for him while also remembering that I could hurt him if I squeezed too hard.

When he pulled back, I looked him in the eye and said, “I can stay right outside your room if you want. You'll be safe, I promise.”

He didn't answer. Instead, he curled up and tucked his head under my chin. He was only halfway laying on me, but the intention was clear.

He didn't want me going anywhere.

It was odd having his trust. Knowing that he believed in me to take care of him was the greatest gift.

Beau walked over behind Sol and squatted down.

He mouthed to me, "You okay?"

I gave him a little thumbs up.

He smiled and the trio left the room, closing the door gently. A dim light remained on, keeping the space in that realm between awake and asleep. I appreciated it because I didn't think I wanted to be in the dark anymore either.

Sleep came at some point during the night. It wasn't until I heard the sound of engines outside that I realized I’d passed out. Though, I couldn’t have been asleep for too long. It was still dark out.

Realizing what time it likely was, I remembered the sound that woke me. It was early, far too early for that type of noise. The ranch hands wouldn't be up for another hour according to what I knew.

I eased away from Sol and went to the window. There were cars, three of them, pulling down the long dirt road. I recognized them instantly.

It was my team.

Godric’s vehicle was first, followed by Takeshi’s sleek ride. And was that Tank’s truck? My jaw dropped as I scrambled to move outside.

I made sure Sol was tucked in before leaving. He didn't need to wake up in the midst of whatever was going down.

I closed the door gently and crept down the stairs before jogging out of the door. As the cold wind whipped across my chest, I cursed myself for not throwing on a hoodie. My t-shirt would not protect me from the elements.

On the back porch, I found Jackson, Beau, Atticus, and Sean, all standing, their shotguns raised at the group.

"Wait!" I shouted. "I know them!"

None of them lowered their weapons. Their gazes locked on the cars as they parked and shut off their engines. When they climbed out, the men held their hands up in surrender.