We climbed in the detective's car, and he set our path to head south. I paid little attention to the journey. Wherever we wound up, I’d research it more later. It wasn't as important as the people who would help us once we got there.
Eventually, we pulled up to a massive office building. He turned into a parking garage behind it and grabbed one of the entry spaces labeled for visitors. We walked around the outside of the garage towards the front doors, and I took in the sign on the door.
I knew then where we were.
Most people had heard of NightShade Security, run by the elusive Tank. Though maybe I should have called him a playboy. It wasn't a secret that he got around, but it was more that no one really knew what all NightShade did.
Their image was as a security firm. When I looked them up on the darker side of the internet, it was clear they were more. I had wanted to reach out to them early on in the investigation. They were exactly the type of company that could have helped me.
But at the same time, I didn't have the funds to hire them. I was convinced I could handle it on my own. The more time that passed, the more helpless I felt. The police hadn’t wanted to help me, and I figured if they couldn't do it, then a private security company sure wouldn't.
Yes, I was a fucking idiot.
Detective Stabler motioned to the security guy at the front desk. “We’re here to see Tank and the guys.”
He flashed his badge showing his bureau ID, then asked me to pull out my wallet to show my plain old driver's license. I had never felt quite so inadequate.
The man printed out stickers with our faces and names on them, then told us to put them on our chests. I did as he asked before following the detective to the elevator. The whole way up he hummed along with the cheesy piano music.
“You must come here a lot to talk to the front desk person like that,” I said casually.
He chuckled. “You'll understand what it's like once you meet the guys. Memphis, their IT person, is notorious for hacking into FBI servers. I've had to warn him more than once to keep his searches more under the radar. My supervisor has instructed me that one more slip up on his part, and he'll be recruited.”
I shook my head. “Seems odd that he would get caught if he's that good.”
“Exactly my thoughts. I have a feeling he just wanted to get caught a time or two. Maybe wave the flag at us to let us know he had access. I doubt it had anything to do with wanting to see me as much as he has. Tank especially gets tired of my mug.”
We smiled right as the elevator doors opened. A reception desk sat across from the entry with an excited looking young man behind it.
He waved to the man beside me. "Hey Detective, I didn't have you on the schedule today."
Stabler stepped forward and leaned on the counter. I followed him, though I remained upright. No need for me to become casual with these people until I had more of an indication of what was coming.
“I wasn't planning on stopping by, Jared. A case came across my desk, and I have a feeling Memphis can help with it. It's kind of related to what's been going on lately.”
The young man nodded quickly though I could see in his gaze he wasn't quite sure exactly what was going on. Moreover, he had an understanding that it was important business, and he did not need to stop us.
“They're all in the main room. You know where to go." The phone rang, and he answered cheerily.
The detective pointed in the direction of a hall that looked like a dead end. He led the way, though I didn’t see how we’d get far. Surprisingly, there was a corner, which we turned, then the sound of voices increased.
This place was a maze, and I never wanted to be left alone in it. When the main area that Jared mentioned came into view, I could see that this place would definitely be of use in my hunt. A technological wet dream covered one wall with screens and computer processors. There were cubicles set up around and a main table in the middle with paper strung across it.
Several imposing figures stood around chatting. They immediately stopped once we came into full view. The largest of them, a burly man with a sharp jaw, said in a deep voice, "Detective Stabler, to what do we owe this pleasure?"
Another man seated at the table with a boyish grin snorted while repeating, "Pleasure."
A smack came from beside him to the back of his head, while a third voice said, "Enough."
It would have been comical in any other situation, but I was too dumbfounded to understand. A voice from behind a cubicleshouted, "Stabler's here? What the fuck? I haven't even hacked anything today."
"That would be Memphis," Stabler told me. “Just the man we're here to see.”
A head popped up over a cubicle. A young guy with glasses and a scowl looked at us.
“I don't have time for whatever it is you want. We're a bit busy trying to finish all this.” He waved his hand at the wall.