Workingwith Memphis every day was a challenge to my patience. The man was a fucking genius, yet he had the social skills of a feral cat. How Sinclair dealt with him was a mystery.

“I swear there isn’t anything else to find. I’ve traced every possible lead for this,” I repeated for the third time.

We’d come to multiple dead ends in the last two weeks. There was nothing new on the TGO front. Everything we thought would work hadn’t panned out. And it was driving Memphis to be even worse than usual.

“There has to be something. We’re too close to the end now. I can’t accept them winning.”

“It’s not a fucking game. There are lives at stake.”

At my bitter words, Memphis turned to face me. We were working side by side, him having abandoned his desk to bring a laptop out to the main area of the war room.

The others were all in various places. Some at lunch, others with Tank going over cases they’d put off. I even knew a few of the partners were off doing jobs in other places. It left the two of us alone, which definitely didn’t help things.

“I know there are lives at stake. This project has been my life for over a year now. I don’t take any of this lightly.”

“Yes, I know. Sometimes you’re a fucking asshole though. Think before you speak.”

He grinned. “Noted. Now let’s see if we can find anything new to track.”

“Why isn’t there a big agency working on this? Stabler seemed competent. He could build a task force, right? This city alone would give him enough work to keep him busy. Plus, we’ve already done a lot of the work,” I pondered aloud as I worked.

Memphis grunted, though he didn’t say anything to agree or disagree with my thoughts. It didn’t anger me as much after the little blow up we just had. My anger had fizzled out with his passionate rebuttal.

Whether we’d get answers or not, I didn’t know. What I could guarantee is that we’d keep searching until the Gilded Ones were completely dismantled. Only after that final leader was taken down will we redirect our focus.

I wondered what life would look like after that. Pre-TGO NightShade sounded much different. Hopefully my skills would still be useful. I refused to give up the family I’d just found.


It was a bad day.

I tried to hide it. Dad would worry if he knew. So would Orion. They didn’t need to be upset because I was.

Burying myself in the big blanket on the bed, I tried to pretend I was invisible. If no one saw me, they couldn’t tell I was sad.

Takeshi’s face popped up in front of me. I didn’t move or anything even though it should have scared me.

He dropped to a squat, then signed, “What can I do to help?”

Learning to talk with him had been fun. I wanted to learn because I didn’t like not knowing what was going on around me.

My mind went back to a boat full of crying people and the men yelling at us in multiple languages. I hated not knowing what they wanted us to do. It made blending in so hard.

I signed back to him. “Nothing. Just tired.”

Takeshi shook his head. “Not tired. Sad. We don’t have to tell anyone. You’re not alone. Orion could help if you wanted to talk.”


Orion had always said he would be willing to talk if I needed him. I really hated thinking I’d bring up bad memories for him. He should always be happy.

Dad made him happy.

I wanted him to have that forever.

“Do you think he’d sign with me? I don’t want to speak,” I signed to a watchful Takeshi.

He smiled. “Yeah, I think he would. I’ll go get him. Don’t go anywhere.”