I didn't hesitate to open myself up as his cock swelled, and I felt the first burst of cum hit my tongue. He had pulled out far enough to stroke himself. It also gave me a chance to catch my breath. I sucked in as much air as I could while drinking him down.

When he was done, he took a few steps back into the shower and rinsed himself off again. Then he was back in front of me, squatting down so that we were face to face.

His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb moving in a soothing back and forth motion.

"You're perfect," he whispered, "so fucking perfect for me."

I didn't shy away from him, or his touch, and I didn't argue with him about it. Because that's what I wanted. I needed to be perfect for him. I wanted this to work out.

Whatever this was.

“Let's get dressed before the goblin wakes up.”

The joke had me laughing as he had likely planned. Then we were up and headed out of the shower.

I wasn't the same man that had gone into the space, and I knew that I would likely continue to change and grow on this journey with Orion. I could only hope that at the end of this journey, it would be him by my side with Solomon in front of us.

We would take care of him together and raise him together. We would be a family. That was all I wanted.



Olivia wasable to convince her father to have dinner with her at his home about a week after we met her in the park. It was just enough time for Memphis to get a plan in place for everything.

Because by having them over for dinner, what Jackie Varr meant was to host a dinner party and to have his daughter and grandchildren be the pawns in his politically charged business.

At first, Olivia was hesitant because the idea of her father's business partners possibly being involved in the trafficking made her sick to her stomach. Knowing her children would be in the same space was enough to have her wanting to back out.

The plan was saved when Archie agreed to go as a pretend nanny for the children so he could keep an eye on them, and Takeshi would be a security member. Olivia once again agreed.

Takeshi's role was simple because he was replacing someone that Varr had hired. Of course the asshole wasn't under NightShade's client list. He had chosen a competitor. Since Memphis had control over said competitors' computer system, it was easy to switch out details and give Takeshi a fake name for the gig.

The night of the dinner party, Olivia stood in the NightShade offices wringing her hands. “I'm not sure if this is still a good idea. What if I get caught? I'm not a spy. I'm not good at this.”

The kids were in the other room playing with Sol and Arick, thankfully. They wouldn't hear anything that was said.

Archie came forward and took Olivia's hands, pulling them apart. “I'm sure it’ll be fine. I will be right there with you. Takeshi is playing security guard. I'm sure that he’ll be sneaky and come help us if there is a need.”

“Is he a computer genius too? Can’t he just get the stuff done?” she asked, looking between the man in front of her and his husband across the room.

Archie snorted. “Not necessarily, but he knows enough. You won’t need him though. This is all straightforward, right Memphis?”

Memphis came around his desk. “Exactly. All this is plug and play. You will put it into his computer, a pop-up will appear, and we'll begin running the script. All you have to do is wait for the countdown to finish. Once it's at 100%, we're good to go. You pull it out, and you're free.”

“And this will find you everything you need?”

He gave her a cocky grin in reply. “It's pretty foolproof. I know your father is hiding things on his personal computer because I'd already hacked his computers related to the business. Whatever vile things he's keeping will be enough to get the DA to charge him, I'm sure.”

Olivia pulled her hands from Archie's and shook them out as she shimmied her shoulders. She looked like someone who was preparing to go on stage for a performance.

Which I guess she kind of was. She would have to pretend to still be the loving daughter while secretly knowing just how vile her father was.

“Okay, I'm ready,” she said. “Let's get this show on the road. The sooner we can be done, the better. Besides, he hates it when I'm late, even when it's for a good reason.”

Archie held out his arm for her to take. Takeshi smiled at his husband. There was no jealousy there, only amusement at the regal and formal gesture.

Olivia giggled and took his arm, then held her hand out to Takeshi. “You're coming too. If I'm going to do this, I get to have two hands on the men on my arms.”