"Have a seat. I'll be done in a minute."
I did it as he said, because again, I was too relaxed to properly argue. As I watched him from my seat, he cleaned himself up.
It was a goddamn erotic performance.
Every drop of water and bubble of soap felt like this sensual story, moving down the planes of his body until it washed away down the drain.
My mouth went dry as hunger built within me again. I couldn't understand how one man could have my emotions surging and dipping so quickly.
All it took was a glance at him, and I was ready to go.
My cock was fighting to harden again, and I lazily reached down to stroke myself as I kept my eyes on him. When he reached his own cock and tugged at it, I whimpered.
It wasn't intentional, but there was no stopping it, not when he was such a beautiful sight.
He took one look at me and the unhurried pace from before changed. He finished his shower, though he left the water running as he stalked to me. His hands went to the walls behind me above my head, which put his cock at the perfect height with my mouth.
"You look like you need something," he said.
I didn't answer him verbally. Instead, I let go of my length to grab his.
Orion’s head fell forward, his eyes blazing as I stroked him. I took him in my mouth, letting his heavy cock rest on my tongue for a moment as I stared up at him. It was nearly an exact reversal of what we had done earlier. Only I was once again powerless in the situation instead of in control like he’d been.
And it still felt that way. Like, no matter what I did, he would be the one to lead. And I fucking loved it.
I pulled back just far enough to tell him what I needed.
"Use me," I said. "Take my mouth however you want. I don't want to have to think."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded, then pressed forward and opened my mouth again. His tip grazed my tongue, sinking further inside until it was all the way at the back of my throat. I gagged slightly, then relaxed so he could do what I had asked.
His eyes were nothing but fire as he took my hair between his fingers. I softened at his touch, knowing that this was everything I wanted, everything I needed.
Orion went about fucking my face like it was the last chance he'd ever get for pleasure.
He used me and forced himself down my throat, making me gag and choke as I fought to breathe.
I loved it.
And he knew that I loved it.
The dopey grin on his face and his encouraging words were enough to let me know.
"You fucking loved my cock choking you, didn't you?”
“This is what you need, baby.”
“You're trusting me so beautifully."
Neither of us made promises about what would come next. And we hadn't spoken about taking another step in our sexual discoveries.
But as he took my mouth, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted him buried inside me. I needed to feel what it was like when he let loose completely and filled me.
It wasn't something I had done in a very long time, but I would be willing to do it again and again for him.
“Swallow it,” he demanded a minute later.