The man beside me said, "Sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. What a klutz. I’m Arick."

She laughed. "Not a klutz. I didn’t think to do it either. You get me talking about the kids, and I completely lose myself.”

I smiled, tucking my arm around his waist. “We know what you mean. It's been a journey taking care of our boy. Work getsto be really complicated, you know, especially when a case is hard, and you have to do things that are unfortunate, or you find out someone you know isn't the best person. Sorry, I know that's a bit heavy of a topic.”

She reached out, patting my hand where I had laid it on the back of the bench.

“Not too much at all. I actually understand a bit. I've had people in my life who I thought were amazing turn out to be righteous assholes.” She whispered the last part.

We nodded along, showing her we understood. I sat down beside her and pulled Arick to my other side.

“I'm so sorry to hear that. It can be really hard, especially when it turns out to be family. That was the case for me and Arick.”

Olivia's eyes went distant as she turned back to the play area. She watched her children for a minute and then leaned closer. “Can I tell you guys a secret?”

I mimicked zipping my lips.

“I didn't have the best upbringing. My dad was a good dad, I guess, and people always told me he was so great, but I never felt like he cared. It was like he was not there fully. As an adult, it's more obvious. I'm with my kids all the time. How could he have ignored his kids like that?”

"Us?" Arick said.

She nodded. "Yeah, I had a brother. He passed away when he was really young.”

I turned to look at the man beside me. Without saying a word, we both knew that that changed things.

Had her brother died because of something Jackie had done? Or could it be that his death was the trigger that turned Jackie into the pervert he'd become?

Grief could do things to people that they never thought would happen. And if he was already leaning towards that type of vile behavior, then who knew?

We sat there in silence for a little bit longer before I turned to face Olivia fully.

“I got to be honest with you, Olivia. I knew who you were before I came here.”

She froze, her eyes going wide as she clutched her purse. "Excuse me?"

I raised my hand, giving her an innocent look. “Not like that. I work for a security company, and we need your help.”

She loosened her hold on her bag, though her body remained stiff.

“What kind of help do you need?”

I kept my eyes on her as I answered.

“Your father is doing some things that we can't ignore. He needs to be taken into custody, but we need proof. The only way to get said proof would be to get close to him.”

The rest of the tension left her body as she closed her eyes.

“Is it about what we were just talking about?”

Arick put a hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to lean back. When I did, he leaned over me and laid his hand out for Jackie to hold.

Having grown closer to him in that short time, she took his extended hand. She accepted his embrace.

“Your father's choices are not your own, Olivia. And if you do this, you would not just be protecting yourself, but your children as well.”

Her mouth dropped open. “What do you mean? Are my children not safe?”

I shook my head slowly. “Your father is trafficking children, Jackie. He isn't working alone, but he paid for a child. And whenthat sale fell through, he decided to scour for another to be taken from their family.”