“I don’t think. I know you can. My resources have run dry, and unfortunately, I cannot hack the FBI.”

He froze at my words.

I raised my hand when he tried to speak. “I understand that incriminates me; however, I’m willing to admit as much since I didn’t actually make it past anything. My son is missing, and you’re the only person who can help me.”

“Your son?”

“Yes. He’s been missing for nearly two years, and no one seems to want to help. Each time I’ve tried, they’ve turned me away.”

“Missing persons cases like this are hard as it is. With children it’s worse because…”

“I’m aware of the statistics, Detective,” I bit out. “But I know my boy. He’s a fighter. The chances are slim, I’m sure. I still have to try. Giving up on him isn’t an option. He’s my whole world. All I have left.”

Finding him was a necessity. Years ago, I’d been helpless when the only other important person in my life vanished. This time, I wouldn’t accept defeat. I wasn’t a kid forced to do as their parents asked.

My best friend might be a lost cause, but my son wasn’t.

“Are you willing to help me, Detective?”

He took a deep breath, then turned to face the water. “As much as I think it’s a bad idea, I can’t resist. We’ll get you the answers you need, one way or another?—“

His voice cut off where my name would have been. It was hard uttering the words I hadn’t heard anyone say in ages. When you become a ghost, you give up everything to keep yourself invisible.

“Arick. My name is Arick.”

Detective Stabler tipped his head forward. “Alright, Arick. Let’s find your son. Tell me exactly what happened.”



Archie and Takeshifound me shortly after my veiled confession. Given how I’d already opened the box on my emotions, I went ahead and shared the full truth with them. They took it in without any judgement, then encouraged me by telling me they’d support me through anything I needed.

What I didn’t share was why this all felt so much more real to me than it had in years.

I’m sure they thought it had to do with the group of people we rescued, Sol in particular. But it was more than that.

Seeing Sol brought back memories of my childhood before it all went to shit. I remembered Arick and how we would have each other’s backs.

Through all the years I was held captive by those people, I thought of him and what my mom would be thinking. I wondered if they missed me or if they were still searching.

Many times I convinced myself they were. I believed they’d find me and save me from the nightmare I lived in.

I believed they’d given up just as much. I didn’t think they’d continue on after such a long time with no sign of me.

Now, I had a chance to get some closure for one aspect of my past. I could reunite Sol and Arick, given they were actually related like I thought.

I could still be way off the mark since I had no proof of their connection. My gut said I was right though. I trusted it more than anything at this stage.

Tank sent me home not long after I bared my soul to the guys. I think he could sense my heart and mind weren't all there for the work we needed to do surrounding the Gilded Ones. Besides, I’d basically served myself up on a platter as a last resort. I didn’t need to stick around to watch it all unfold.

With the green light to leave work, I did the only thing I could think of. I went to the Coleman Ranch.

They had enough internet and resources there to help me in my search for a hint of Sol’s family. I was also hoping maybe I could convince him to tell me more about where his parents might be.

So far, I’d neglected to think of his mother at all since he reminded me of my old friend so much. Maybe hunting for her would prove to have better results.

I packed up a week’s worth of clothes, then took off for the ranch. Beau informed me it would be fine for me to come out for a stay. He also let me know Sol was showing a bit more emotion lately. It wasn’t the laughter and smiles of his son, but any glimmer of something other than a blank expression was progress.