Stabler took a minute to stare at the phone in his hands, then he tucked it back into the pocket I’d slipped it in. After taking a few deep breaths, he used his company phone to call in to work. At least, I assumed that’s what he was doing since I was too far away to hear him.
We had to trust one another to not screw this meeting up. While I had more to lose than the detective did, it wouldn’t look good on him to come after an innocent man simply because I asked to meet with him. There would be no probable cause, nor would anyone find any incriminating evidence on me.
That’s the beauty of learning how to cover your tracks. Even if I had been a criminal, they’d never have known. Most of what existed about me is tucked away deep in the files on my laptop. A laptop which I kept on me at all times to prevent anyone else from finding and hacking my systems.
If you’d have asked me two years ago if I’d be doing what I was now, I’d have laughed at you and gone back to my cash paying job like it was any other day. I’d have picked up my son from the babysitter after I finished my shift, fed him dinner, watched a movie, then laughed some more before bed.
I wouldn’t have believed a word of it.
Computer expert.
Man on the run.
Father searching for his son.
Stalking a federal agent.
None of it would be believable.
But then the unthinkable happened. My son was taken from me, and since we weren’t the kind of people that people bent over backwards to help, the trail dried up. The authorities refused to help me any further. They said it was a “lost cause” and “they would keep an eye out” for anything new.
It was all a lie.
No one wanted to help me. There hadn’t even been a ransom demand for my son. No one had come forward to say they had him and taunt me like I’d seen in the movies.
If I weren’t so rooted in the truth of his existence, I might have believed it was all a fever dream. At least, that’s how everyone made it seem.
But I knew he was real. He was a part of me, and I needed to get him back.
Which is why I was stalking an FBI agent, making deals I shouldn’t be, and trusting him when I really didn’t have much to stand on.
Once the detective ended his call, he went back into the coffee shop, likely to get another drink. I took the chance to move from my hiding spot to head to the fish market. It would take me fifteen minutes to get there on foot. I’d have to find a spot visible enough for him to spot me, but also secluded enough for us to talk.
And I’d have to trust him to not bring his phone like I told him to. If he does, it could jeopardize the entire plan.
Luckily, by the time I got to the market, there weren't a ton of people around. There were enough for me to blend in with the crowd of workers, yet not so many I’d have to shout to be heard.
Detective Stabler arrived right on time. His scowl amused me, though I kept a neutral expression as to not aggravate him any further.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
I tilted my head, assessing him. His body is tight, as if he’s geared up for a fight. And his eyes are shifty, like he’s nervous about my intentions.
“I have no weapons on me, Detective. My bag has my laptop and some clothes. I’m here because I need your help, not because I want to harm you.”
He didn’t drop his guard. Instead he said, “That only answered part of my question.”
“Yes, I’m aware. My name is of no importance. You won’t find anything on me anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’ve ensured it. Now then, would you like to know the details of what I need your help with? I imagine your supervisor isn’t going to want to wait around too long with whatever excuse you gave.”
The detective bristled at my words. He didn’t enjoy me pointing out things about him that I shouldn’t know. If it wasn’tso urgent to get his help, I’d have been more amused at his reactions.
It wasn’t every day I got to play this game with someone of his caliber.
“You mentioned needing to find someone. What makes you think I can help?”