Page 79 of Feeding Frenzy

His thumb swiped across the dampness. He hovered over my lips, his sweet breath mingling with mine.

“What is it?” He smoothed his finger over the fresh tears.

“I didn’t think we’d get to be like this anymore,” I whispered huskily.

Jax’s lips turned down and I could see some explanation brewing. But with him, I didn’t want the words, I wanted his actions. Only that would make me believe him. I threw my arms around his shoulders, dragging him back down to my mouth and sank my fang into his lip. Attaching myself to the bleeding wound, I sucked. He moaned, his hips jerking with such force it pushed me higher onto the bed.

He tasted so good. I licked his lip and pulled back burying my mouth into the crevice of his throat. I sank my teeth into him again. He gasped and every bit of his weight settled on me and it felt so good. I pressed my heel into the bed and rolled us with a grunt.

Jax’s eyebrows raised at me, now sat on top of him. I grinned down and moved my hips in a gyrating roll over the thick shaft.

His jaw slackened, eyes sliding shut. Meanwhile, a tremble worked over my sex, driving me close to madness. I tipped my head back and did the same movement. Jax’s palms slid under the oversized shirt, and he yanked with a quick tug, pulling it off like it was paper. The simple bralette I’d been loaned had been a tad too small, so my flesh pushed out against the thin fabric.

Jax wet his lower lip, gaze fixed on my body. He hooked a finger under the strap and tugged. It ripped, splaying open and leaving me bare to his gaze. I shrugged off the scraps of fabric. Jax groaned, his head falling back.

“You’re driving me fucking crazy,” he hissed. His voice was some far-off buzz in my head. All I could focus on was the column of his neck stained with red. I dropped over his throat and sank into the fleshy bit where his muscle met the base of his neck. The muscle flexed and more blood spilled into my mouth. Jax echoed my moan, and his searching hands dipped into the waistband of my borrowed sweats. He yanked the fabric, and it tore with a satisfying rip.

I slid my hands down his hard stomach and pulled free the button of the jeans. Jax lifted his hips, scooting me high off the bed as he jerked his jeans down. He did it so fast, and now I rested against him, without anything between us.

The steel length of his shaft pressed against my sex. I gasped, gyrating on instinct. A thrill ran up my spine and I moved my hips again. My slippery sex moved against him with ease because of how wet I was. Jax groaned, gripping my hips in hislarge palms. Sitting on top of him, I stared down at his slack expression. His eyes were slightly glazed, his lips damp and plump from our kissing. The muscles of his chest strained. He was unfairly sexy.

I wanted another bite. I leaned down and sank my fangs into his chest. One suck and I lifted, staring at the leaking wound. Blood dripped down his chest and toward his abdomen in a delicious trail of sin. I leaned down, keeping hold of his gaze and licked the blood. His cock throbbed under me.

Just one more bite. Right above the one I’d already made, I sank my teeth in. That delicious pop exploded in my ears like a rush of adrenaline. My sex throbbed and I gyrated harder on his shaft. The slickness between us grew with each second.

“Mark me, Kitten,” Jax murmured breathlessly. He lay back, watching me from half-lidded eyes. I didn’t need an invitation, but it made me feel better about my perverse craving. He’d noticed it. My face flushed with blood, but I was too far gone in my lust. I sank my fangs into his shoulder.

Another spine-tingling pop.

I gasped, my sex throbbing. I was already about to come, only from biting him. I panted, gazing at the puncture wounds bleeding on his body. Vampire blood was different to human blood. It seemed to move slower upon his skin. Taking its time, as it painted him with trails.

Lifting a little, I gripped the base of his shaft, holding him poised for me to slide onto him. His eyes flared wide and I sank down on him. He grunted, entire body jolting, like I’d stuck him with electricity. He flexed and caused more blood to spill from the punctures in his chest. My channel squeezed his shaft.

He moaned, panting and bucking under me. His lips were parted, offering me flashes of his fangs. He let go for me. I whimpered, bouncing up and down to feel every inch of him.

We moved in a frenzy. A gyrating pile of need.

“Snälla. . . bara sådär. . . min älskade. Jag behöver dig. Alltid,” he continued muttering until it was a string that I couldn’t pick out word for word, but whatever it was sounded sexy.

My channel pulsed around him, gripping him and tossing me into a mind-bending orgasm. Stars sparked behind my closed eyelids. I couldn’t stop moving on him, grinding, taking, claiming. He shouted and bucked under me. His steel throbbed, releasing jut after jut of cum into my sex. I didn’t know how long I was suspended in the air. My senses returned from the swell, and I sucked in a few breaths.

The magnificent orgasm still caressed my senses. I couldn’t tear my eyes off him. I loved watching him fall apart. He finally looked so free. My heart turned over in my chest. His eyes slitted open and the corner of his mouth twitched.

My fangs nicked my lip. I’d punctured myself.

“Kitten,” Jax grunted. He pushed up, those delicious hard muscles on his stomach flexing. He leaned up and the angle changed the position of his cock. He captured my gasp with his mouth.

His shaft pulsated inside me. He groaned and shuddered, wrenching another aftershock from me.

His body jolted like he’d been electrocuted. He sucked my lip into his mouth with harsh drags. But instead of scaring me, I leaned into him. The tug from his mouth warmed my belly. He pulled back, wound my long hair around his hand, and angled my head to the side, baring my throat to him. I couldn’t move with how tight he grabbed my hair. I panted, waiting. So suddenly, he struck his fangs into my throat.

I screamed, gripping his shoulders hard. My hips wouldn’t stop moving. I thought I’d never feel this staggering pleasure of being bit again, but his bite felt just as good, if not more so.

“Jax,” I whimpered, grinding down, taking every inch of his cock. Pleasure emitted from my neck where he fed from me and from where he claimed my sex. Thoughts evaporated.

I couldn’t tell where he ended, and I began.

I rode the wave of release, while his cock seized inside my channel.