Page 7 of Feeding Frenzy

I put my thumb up and scarfed some more down. So freaking good. It didn’t take me long to clear the plate. I scooted it away from me and leaned back.

“I’m stuffed.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat something so fast.”

I smiled sheepishly.

She looked over my shoulder. “They’ll be rising soon.”

I followed her attention to the thin window lining the top of the wall.

The sunlight was extinguished and only the faintest purple hue of the dusk hinted.

Clipped footsteps echoed down the hall, lighter and unfamiliar. There could only be one pair of footsteps that I wasn’t familiar with.

My stomach turned and soured. She was barefoot and in Jax’s shirt. I was going to vomit. Her willowy figure seemed even slighter because of his clothes. Her long, pin straight hair hung around her shoulders.

As she approached, it almost seemed like a glide. She stopped right beside my stool.

“Off, human,” she flicked her hand, shooing me away like a fly. My spine straightened. Blood and dirt no longer stained her face. Had Jax bathed her? A sharp hurt stabbed my chest. I breathed in and out slowly. “Hello?” She snapped her fingers in my face. “Where did they find you—wait, I do not care.” Her hand wrapped around my throat.

“Stop,” Maddy cried, while I struggled to drag in a breath. Imogen’s fingers dug into my throat. Her sharp nails digging in hard.

“Freeze.” Imogen snapped her fingers at Maddy. “I’ll feed on you, once I drain this one, do not worry.”

With a sudden rush of motion, Imogen’s head was yanked back. I followed the grip to Ren’s wide shoulders looming over both of us.

“Ren,” Imogen hissed. “Release me.”

“Not until you release my human.”

“Your human?” She mocked, her eyes wide.

“We keep her. No discussion.” Ren yanked her head back even more. Imogen bared her teeth and shoved me back so hard I went flying. Someone caught me and upon impact, air puffed from my lungs. I peeked over my shoulder.

“Asher?” I whispered.

He squeezed my hip.

“Oh!” Imogen exclaimed, dragging my attention back to her. Her eyes narrowed in on me. “You are the one that fed me.” She licked her lips. “You tasted delicious.” Her eyes flashed red, but Ren dragged her back by her hair and shoved her away from where I stood. Imogen caught herself, her eyebrows high on her forehead.

“You’re not touching her,” Ren announced, leaning a hip against the island. He seemed at ease, but fire played along his fingertips.

Imogen huffed, staring at the flames with a sneer curling her lips. Tobias’s clipped steps entered. He was dressed in loafers, slacks, and a cable knit sweater. By the look of his damp hair, he’d showered.

His gray eyes assessed the room.

“What have you done, Imogen?”

His voice held no inflection, as if he was used to asking the question. Imogen smirked and crossed her arms.

“I was only trying to feed on the human.”

Tobias’s frown deepened.

“Do not touch her, Imogen. She is off limits.”

“You too?” She whirled. “My saintly brother wants a woman?” Her head fell back and laughter exploded from her mouth. “A lot has changed while I was captive.” She wiped invisible tears from the corner of her eyes.