If I’d taken care of how fast I moved, I could have asked to borrow his phone. I made a beeline for the closest store. A restaurant. A kid around Peter’s age stood behind the podium playing on his phone. I came to a stop in front of him. He didn’t look up until I cleared my throat.
He jumped and his phone shot out of his hand. I managed to catch it in a smooth motion. His eyes widened on mine and immediately dropped to my breasts. I quirked an eyebrow, waiting for him to look back up at me.
I flicked at the buzzing near my ear. Was that a fly? As much as I swatted, the sound didn’t go away.
The guy rounded the podium and stood in front of me. The buzzing grew. I frowned, eyeing his flushed face. It wasn’t a fly; it was his heart. As soon as I figured it out, the rapid beat thrummed rhythmically. My eyes dropped to the fluttering at the base of his throat.
A faintly spicy scent reached my nose.
“Thank you for catching it.” He took the phone from my lifted hand. His fingertips touched mine and he breathed in audibly.“A table for one?” Interest piqued his eyes, and he looked over my shoulder then returned to me with a little smile.
I hummed my assent, rubbing my fingertips against my gums over my skin.
“Can I use your phone?” I made sure to keep my hand hovering over my mouth to block my fangs.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have any that are for customer use.”
“No,” I burst out, then clamped my lips shut. The guy eyed me hesitantly.
Could I compel him to let me use it? Would that make me a bad person? I pursed my lips.
I brushed my fingers through my hair, and the frizzy, wavy locks flowed around my shoulders. His eyes fixed on my boobs again.
“Please?” I lowered my chin, trying to look as harmless as I could.
Desperate times.
His nostrils flared the slightest bit, and he swayed toward me.
“Okay,” he breathed, holding it out. I snatched it and quickly dialed Alistair’s number.
The line rang . . . and rang. Right when I was about to give up, he answered.
“Alistair Blackthorn?” Silence on the other end. “This is Catalina Herrera.” Still silence. “Crimson Coven’s Pet,” I whispered lower. The guy didn’t give me a weird look so he must not have heard me. “We met at Calliope’s weird party.”
“Ah, yes,” he purred. “I never thought I would hear from you.”
I licked my lips. I could do this.
“Can you come get me?”
Silence, then a chuckle on the other end.
“Hmm, I don’t think so. Your males left me quite a few scathing voicemails. My Coven, along with my manhood, were threatened if I took you in. We were supposed to reschedule our meeting, but they haven’t returned my call.” He was a chatty one. I tapped my foot on the floor and lifted a finger toward the guy eyeing me questioningly. He was beginning to get impatient.
“I have no desire to endanger my cock?—”
“I-I’m a vampire now,” I whispered.
“Where are you?” His tone changed. I put the phone on speaker.
“Where are we?”
The guy rattled off the address.