My thoughts raced. What was happening? Why had I bit him? Why had I liked the taste? Asher moved forward again.
“Stay back,” I shouted, choked. “What’s happening to me?”
“Your eyes didn’t stay red.” So, we’re ignoring my question?
“Why would my eyes stay red?” The burn had been assuaged the slightest bit, but that wasn’t the only pain. I pursed my lips and something sharp stung the inside of my mouth. I curled my lip up and gingerly touched my teeth. Why was my tooth sharp? I gasped and slid my finger to the other side. Another slight protrusion. The pad of my finger stung suddenly. I flinched, drawing it away from my mouth. Using my tongue, I felt my teeth. I’d felt this sharpness. It was an awful lot like fangs before they extended. My stomach dropped and I lifted my wide eyes to Asher.
His shoulders moved with a breath. He grinned so wide it looked like it hurt.
“Tobias,” Asher shouted.
He appeared moments later. “He’s still not responding . . . Catalina?” He scanned my face, devouring my features. He was suddenly leaning over me. On instinct, I flinched, and when I peeked through my lashes, I was off the bed and cringing against the wall. I seemed to have flown to the other side of the room.
My knees became weak, and I used the wall as a perch. Slowly sliding down, I sank onto the floor.
What happened? Although a haziness coated my memories, they slammed into me full force. Imogen had killed me. I scoffed, shaking my head. Jax begging was the last I remembered. She killed me and I turned. Wasn’t I supposed to be blood-mad?
“I’ll get blood bags and order a feeder,” Tobias announced abruptly, hurrying away.
“I changed?”
Jax had managed to get me to drink his blood? But I’d been throwing up. I couldn’t have swallowed. Blood—mmmmm. A burn in my gums intensified and my mouth was suddenly crowded.
Asher knelt before me, awe in his widened eyes.
“H-how?” I thought I was supposed to be blood-mad. “You th-aid I couldn’t be a vampire. This makes no th-ense?—”
“Calm down, Pet,”
Calm down?Calm down!?
I shoved my fingers through my hair, pushing it back from my cheeks. I’d turned into a vampire. I pressed my hand to my chest. What happened to my heart? My heart didn’t beat at the normal rhythm. It felt sluggish under my palm, giving one pump every minute or so.
“Did you guys lie?” I threw out accusingly. Ren stepped beside Asher. They stared at me with as much confusion as I felt. “If you didn’t want me to be a vampire, you could have just said so.”
My body felt different—and I hadn’t breathed?
I sucked in a breath and the plume of sweetness entered my nostrils, wrenching a moan from my mouth. That burning returned with a vengeance. With my next blink, I had Asher flat on the ground with my legs wrapped around his waist as I bit into his throat. I sucked down another mouthful of thatsweetness I couldn’t get enough of. He moaned, his body jerking under me. My hips ground down, applying pressure to the need between my legs. My eyes slowly closed, and I drank more.
His taste spread on my tongue, assuaging the burn. I whined against his throat, rubbing myself over the hardness under me. I took another drag from Asher. A sharp shout left him, and his body jerked so hard he bucked like a horse.
I breathed in again and a tart, salty smell, just as good as the one in my mouth filled my nose. The warmth in my belly allowed me to pull back.
Asher panted under me, unmoving as he watched me make my way down his body until I pressed my nose over the waist of his pj pants. I yanked the hem down. His cock bounced free. A fine layer of slightly pink cum coated his cock. That was what smelled so good.
I flicked my tongue across the bobbing, wet tip.
Asher groaned, his hips jolting up and forcing his tip between my lips. My fang sliced the side of his cock. Blood touched my tongue. I gasped around him and fitted my mouth lower, until the piercings on the top of his cock knocked against my teeth. I sucked, tasting both the salty and sweetness of his essence.
He choked on a cry.
I rubbed the flat of my tongue against the bottom side of his shaft. I sucked again, dragging blood from the small cut.
So suddenly, his cock pulsed and then he exploded on my tongue, giving me more of him. I moaned, swallowing every drop he offered. He continued to pulse, filling my mouth again, until it overflowed and spilled from the corner of my lips. I bobbed down to collect what escaped. His tip shoved against the back of my throat and his piercing clinked against the back of my front teeth.
Asher’s hips bucked and he shouted. I slowly lifted my head, studying his flushed face and his heaving chest.
“Fuck,” he grunted, gripping the base of his cock and squeezing. His eyes cinched shut and he gritted his teeth. I dropped my attention to his straining cock. More beaded at his tip.