Page 41 of Feeding Frenzy

My heart stuttered and my lungs seized. I thrashed under her, but didn’t manage to budge her.

A cell phone rang, breaking through my choking gasps. She did not let go. The ringing fell away then started up again.

She snarled and lifted one hand. The slight movement allowed me to suck in a breath. She fished inside her corset and lifted the phone to her ear. Her eyes widened and a sneer curled her lips. She shoved the phone back in her bra.

“Looks like our fun is over.”

Imogen’s eyes met mine. In a sudden move, she rammed her hand against my side. A loud crunch took my breath away and I could only whimper. Pure, searing agony blinded me.

“No,” Jaxon bellowed.

She turned her head as if listening for something. My next breath wheezed, and an alarming about of blood spread on my tongue.

“Bingo, I managed to rupture her lung.” Her grin spread. “None of you will be able to heal her from that in time.”

I coughed, spraying blood across her face. She looked down at me in disgust and swiped the back of her hand across her cheek, smearing red across it. Imogen lifted off me and moved to peck Jax’s temple.

“You should have stayed faithful.” She clicked her tongue. “I best not see any of you with another female. You are welcome to try and save her Jaxon. It will amuse me to watch you try.” With that, she was gone.

I coughed again. Liquid continued to trickle from the corner of my mouth. There was so much pain. I whimpered. If that bitch wanted me to suffer a slow, painful death she succeeded. My vision faded.

A palm brushed my hair back.

“No, Catalina.” Jax’s face swam before me. He sounded so heart wrenchingly desperate.

I watched him through swimming eyes, my blinks became more and more difficult.

A copper taste coated my tongue.

Jax, I mouthed and hacked up more blood. His fangs sank into his wrists, and he shoved his wrist against my lips.

“Please,” he croaked, looking at me, his shoulders bunched as he hunched over me. “Drink. Quickly.” Tears traveled down his face, and the red-tinged liquid dripped onto my cheek.

“I can’t,” I struggled to say. It sounded like nonsense. I gurgled up more blood, no longer able to keep my eyes open.

I was so lightheaded.

“Please, hold on Kitten. Please.”



I drovethe car onto the sidewalk, scraping the bottom, but I didn’t give a single fuck.

I hadn’t had time to explain myself to Tobias or Ren. I would have had to return for them, but I’d shot Tobias a text. He had to have seen it on time, there was no other choice. Hitting the breaks, I careened to a stop in front of the gate, the wheels fishtailed, and the bumper slammed into the brick wall framing the gate. Bastien calling me should have been impossible, but it was something to worry about later. I shoved open the car door so hard it cracked and dangled to the side.

Movement caught my eye. The gate swung open, and Imogen flounced through with a huge grin on her face and blood splattering her porcelain skin. I was in her face within seconds, my hand lashing across her face.

“What have you done?” I snarled. She clasped her cheek and then looked down at her palm with her eyes wide on the blood staining her palm. My nails had caught her cheek, ripping her open.

“Do not move, not one inch.”

My body stiffened. I struggled against the invisible compulsion gripping my body.

“Free me,” I shouted.

Her lips quirked.