He only nodded and exited.
“One of my people was taken.” She turned her attention to Asher. “You know her.”
He hummed. “And what do you wantmeto do?”
“She’s been shutting everyone out. Get her to tell me who took her.”
“And her Sire?” She could be ordered to spill instead of tiptoeing around her.
“Died a century ago. She pledged loyalty to my Coven.” She turned away from me and back to Asher. “She’s refusing to open her mouth. She cringes and hides from everyone. We found her bound in shackles, weak and without blood. She would have turned to dust if we hadn’t gotten to her. But she’s always liked you, Asher, so I’m banking on her lowering her guard and Tobias can read her mind to see if she’s lying.”
“Let’s get this over with. If she’s going to take Tobias’s pain-in-the-ass sister, I’m all for this,” Asher interrupted me.
The door creaked with the entrance of a thin female. She didn’t seem to be paying attention to anything until she focused on Asher. Her eyes slightly widened, and she was suddenly clinging to Asher. His lips thinned and then he smoothed his expression. His hand dropped on her shoulder, and he maneuvered her until she sat on the couch. She let out a deep, wrenching sob. Red tinted tears left lines on her cheeks as she sniffled.
Asher patted her shoulder, using it as an excuse to keep her at a distance. I had no doubt she would toss herself at him again. Maybe I should take a picture and send it to Catalina. Then she could come sleep in my bedroom.
Tobias frowned at me. I sighed.
“What happened, Daniela?”
“My name is Ruby,” she said through sobs. Asher grimaced.
“Ah, that’s right, I remembered, I was just testing to see if you could hear me over that sobbing.” He smirked and all the crying tapered off as she stared up at him with mooning eyes. A load of bullshit. He never remembered women’s names. “You’re safe now. Nothing is going to happen to you.” His coaxing words were lies. Her shoulders relaxed a fraction. Her eyes remained glued to Asher like he was her savior.
“C-can I switch to your Coven?”
“Ruby,” Calliope hissed.
“I don’t think you can protect me.” Ruby curled forward, hugging her legs. The crying started up again.
Tobias cleared his throat. Calliope’s mouth shut and she plastered a fake fucking smile on. Asher scratched his temple.
“We can discuss that after. Who took you?”
“I d-didn’t know him.” She shuddered, rubbing her arms.
“Did he tell you what he wanted?”
“He wanted to know about the lounge and my job here. He would . . . he would . . .” She hiccupped. He lost her again.
“What did you tell him about my lounge?” Calliope’s voice lowered threateningly. She was about to lose it. I leaned back to enjoy the show.
Asher gripped one of her hands and squeezed. “Focus, Daniela?—”
“Ruby,” Tobias corrected.
“Ruby. Can you tell me anything about the male that took you? Hair color, eyes, anything at all?”
She seemed calmed by his touch. She sniffled in and nodded frantically.
“Um, he—he was tall, a deep voice.” She licked her lips. Was it the same male that was after our Cat? “He was?—”
“Wrenhaven,” Tobias snarled, standing.
A sudden boom rocked the walls. The male still standing by the exit shoved through, leaving it open behind him. A cacophony of screams echoed, mingling with the stampede of footsteps.