Page 3 of Feeding Frenzy

I closed my eyes, feeling every bit of his skill. My toes curled and I couldn’t have formed a coherent word if I wanted. I tried to move my hips up to grind against him, but he kept me firmly pinned. Instead, I grabbed and yanked at his hair with the swell of my orgasm.

Asher groaned, angling his head to slide his tongue even deeper into my core. His chin pressed against my inner thigh.

Sharp cries echoed off the bathroom walls. My whining moans would have embarrassed me as an outsider, but all Icould focus on was his tongue and the spine-tingling tension taking hold of my tender core.

Asher hummed against me, thrusting his tongue in and out, incessantly, wringing every bit of my orgasm free. I could feel my channel gripping onto his tongue like it was his cock.

I whimpered, rolling my head against the tile at my back. He was so good at licking me. I floated down from the pinnacle of my release, my breaths tuning into harsh panting. Asher pulled away from my swollen flesh. I kept my hands delved into his hair, gripping onto it like it was rope.

“Sorry,” I croaked and untangled my fingers.

He chuckled and gently set my feet on the floor. He stood and water ran down the shirt plastered to his body in rivulets.

I ran my hands down the dips of his chest. He shuddered at my caress and smiled down at me with soft eyes.

As I finished washing off, Asher removed his wet clothes and stepped out. He hooked a towel around his waist and turned to me with a fresh one, holding it open for me.

I leaned forward until the soft fibers touched my front. Asher swept me into his arms and carried me to the bed, tossing me on the surface. My body bounced with squeaks escaping my lips. Asher landed on top of me, his damp hair falling around his shoulders. He grinned down at me.

The loud bang of the door shutting turned our attention to Ren.

“Everyone in the house can hear you,” Ren announced. “Next time, close the door.” He directed the order at Asher, who just scoffed. “I brought your computer.” He waved it at me and set it on the chair to the side of the door.

I glared at him. He didn’t mean everyone, he meant Imogen. Before, it wasn’t a problem if the door was left open, butnowit was?

“Sorry to have bothered your precious Imogen,” I said through my teeth, yanking the towel around my chest. My face burned.

“Ren,” Asher groaned and closed his eyes, head tilting back.

Imogen this—Imogen that. Stop. I needed to quit that line of thought. They were useless to me and only put me in a bad mood. I yanked the towel securely under my armpits and scooted to the edge of the bed. Asher cupped my shoulder.

My lips thinned and I shoved him off me. He grabbed at me again. I took advantage of the fact that he was gentle. I slipped out of his reach again, heading directly to the door.

I fisted my hands at my side, practically stomping toward the door. I didn’t know where I was headed but fuck this. A thick arm banded against my stomach and swept me back. I yelped, suddenly airborne, then I landed on the bed with an explosive breath—again. Ren hovered at the side of the bed, lips turned down.

“What did I do?” Ren’s confusion would have sounded cute, if it didn’t piss me off. I slitted my eyes up at him.

“Upset her,” Asher snapped.

“I’m lost.” Ren scowled. Of course he wouldn’tgetit.

His eyebrows raised even higher, but why did he look like he was enjoying this? I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face with all my might. The pillow stopped an inch from smacking into his face because he swatted it to the floor. I couldn’t even have that. Frustration bubbled over and manifested into tears. I wish I was a more violent person. One that took pleasure in hurting things like them. Yet, here I was, blubbering like a baby.

“Don’t,” I shouted as Asher reached out to touch me. He retreated.

“Well done, Ren.” Asher sighed.

“Explain it.” He snarled at Asher, no longer sounding smug.

“You seemed concerned for Imogen.”

“Shut it,” I snapped at Asher, scooting to the end of the bed. “I’m just extra sensitive right now.”

“This is because of Imogen?” He scoffed, shaking his head. “You were to explain that nothing would change. Catalina will remain under our protection. She is ours,” he said it almost accusatorially.

“I explained it to her.” The biting tone in Asher’s voice turned icy.

“Then I do not understand the issue,” Ren said scowling.