I narrowed my eyes, lips thinning.
“This is just your first car, inconspicuous enough, beautiful, and fast.”
“Asher,” I snapped. He smirked.
“Beating things is cathartic,” Ren offered. “Do it.”
I struggled to wrap my head around their words. My head was beginning to throb. I rubbed my temples.
“That’s wasteful.”
Asher blinked, still just waiting.
“I’ll make it worth your while.”
“But let me guess—I have to beat the car.” I rolled my eyes.
Asher swatted my butt. I yelped. The swat stung. I rubbed my left cheek. “Ouch.”
He grinned and raised an eyebrow.
Ren cleared his throat.
“How about, if you do it, I won’t go find the first human I encounter and torture them in front of you?” The corner of Ren’s lips curved up. Fifty-fifty chance that he’d follow through with that threat. His eyebrow twitched up. Maybe more like ten-ninety.
“Take the bat,” Asher said, wiggling a metal bat at me. Where had he pulled that out from?
“Now,” Ren barked. I lunged for the handle and gripped it.
“Psychotic fucking vampire,” I whispered under my breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” I said just as quickly. As soon as Asher released his grip on the bat, the heaviness dragged the tip to the floor with a loud thud. It was heavier than it looked.
I wrapped both hands around the base and hoisted it up with a grunt. I experimentally swung, but it was clumsy, and the tip crossed about an inch from Ren. He raised an eyebrow like he was daring me to swing again.
“Sorry.” I cleared my throat, my face flushing.
Arms suddenly pressed against mine, the large muscles corralling me. Ren no longer stood in front of me. Damn vampire speed! More than the others, he seemed to love spooking me.
“You look scared of it, Kitty Cat.” His gruff, rumbling voice caressed the shell of my ear, eliciting a shiver. Ren pulled me back more securely, his hands wrapping over mine. Lust bloomed to life, warming my stomach. He enveloped me entirely. He smelled so sweet, but not in a cloying way. I sank back against him. His hands stiffened over mine, and he swung the bat with me holding it. Our bodies rocked with the sway. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the moan.
“To make any sort of dent, you need to swing.” Humor touched his tone. “Or do you need me to fuck you first?”
My lips thinned.
“You don’t seem any less affected,” I grumbled, leaning back into his hard shaft.
“That’s what you do to me,” he murmured gruffly.
His hips gyrated forward, driving his steel into my back. Butterflies erupted through my gut.
“This wasn’t what I was thinking,” Asher drawled. His voice ripped me out of the lusty haze.
“I got it,” I croaked, straightening. I wiggled free of Ren, taking the weapon with me. The bat tilted, but I heaved it upwith a grunt. I rested the tip against the hood. It clanged against the metal as I dragged it until I was positioned outside of the passenger side.
God, I am so sorry for doing this to the pretty car.