“What the hell!”
“Why are you fighting me?” he snarled.
“Because I have nothing to say to you.” My tone held no inflection, just pure disinterest.
He stiffened.
My body felt warmed up and limber. I felt good. Forget Imogen and her negativity. My vampires were mine, even if I wouldn’t have Jax . . .
My hand found its way over the sharp stab in my chest. I lifted my chin. I’d get over it.
“Well, I have things to tell you,” he said through gritted teeth. He usually looked pissed as a default, but right now? I could make a good case saying he needed some anger management classes. Were there any of those for vampires?
“You’re going to hear me out.” His words were laced with a threat. Bastien’s snarl echoed from my bedroom. “But I need to show you something.”
Suddenly, his back was to me, wide shoulder’s hardly moving as he strode toward the exit.
No response. I sighed and scanned the room. A silk robe rested across the end of the couch. I tugged it on, as I hurried up the stairs.
“Jax,” I called, reaching the kitchen. He stood diagonal from me at the furthest point, holding open a door I’d never noticed. I approached, frowning. As I neared him, I recognized why I’d never spotted it before, because the wall dipped into a small nook and hidden to the side was the door. I peeked into the dark hallway.
“What’s down there?”
“The vehicles.”
I mouthed my ‘ohhh’ my attention still on the dark, spooky looking hall. They mentioned the garage was behind the house, this must lead to it.
“Listen, Kitten.”
I put my hand up and amazingly he shut up.
“You always talked about her like she was some—” I stopped myself and took a deep breath. There was no point in spitting all my frustrations at him. “You have your Imogen back.” I forced through my tight windpipe. “What do you want?”
Jax raked his hand through his hair, mussing and making it stick straight up.
“What do I want?” His nose scrunched. He shook his head and sliced a hand through the air. “I want to explainwhy I’ve been by her side.”
I was being a petty bitch. I exhaled slowly and took a step away from him and the door. His eyes softened. He looked so worried it made my chest hurt.
“Jaxon,” Imogen shouted but her voice sounded far away. “Where have you gone?”
I narrowed my eyes at his stiff face.
“Yeah, goKitten,” I flipped my hair over my shoulder.
A hand wrapped around the back of my neck. “Let me go, Jax.”
“This is not over.”
I sighedand tipped my head back. Difficult female. I thought vampires were stubborn—this human girl gave any female vampire a run for their money. This wouldn’t be easy, and I hadn’t made it easier with my big fucking mouth. Asher called it ‘lacking impulse control’.
The rest of them believed I deserved her ire, because I’dchosen. I clenched my teeth—I hadn’t been given an option. They’d written me off so easily. Just like my human. I’d hurt her . . .