Page 109 of Feeding Frenzy

“Take all the time you need, Love. We will care for you.” The sound of the bath became louder, and he lowered me, submerging me until everything but my neck was covered. He reclined me so my back was against a hard chest.

“I have you, Pet,” Asher murmured in my ear and ran his hands down my arms to lace his with mine.

Water lapped against my throat. Asher propped me up and I curled my knees to my chest, hunching into a ball.

He poured water over my head and rivulets worked down my face. I blinked droplets from my eyelashes. Tobias leaned over me and swiped his thumb over the liquid working its way down my face.

A little dent formed between his eyes. From behind me, Asher moved, and his fingers worked through my hair. My shoulders incrementally lowered so they weren’t hunched near my ears.

“She likes to rub that serum on her face. Hand it to me.” Tobias straightened at Asher’s order and plucked one of my skin care items off the sink. Tobias pumped the liquid into his palms, and he cupped my face.

“This won’t do anything,” he murmured, still rubbing the moisturizer into my face with gentle swipes.

“She still likes to do it.”

The smallest flutter filled my chest. I hated worrying them, but if I didn’t hold myself stiff, I’d go crumple into sobs.

Even though I wanted to remain in the dark hole inside my mind, them washing me seemed to scrub cobwebs from my thoughts.

I needed to be strong and face Peter’s body. To apologize to him, even if he didn’t hear me. Everything inside me cringed from the thought. That wasn’t my only challenge.

Imogen had seen me. I was sure of it. That meant she would come for me. I’d offer myself to her—happily, but I doubted the guys would sit by and let it happen.

Tobias pulled the drain, and it began to swirl as he opened a towel. Asher braced behind me, but instead of letting him hoist me up, I pushed to stand, keeping my eyes lowered on the wet spots spattering Tobias’s dress shirt.

He wrapped the towel under my arms and fastened it.

I carefully stepped onto the towel he’d sprawled on the floor. Jamming my feet in the slippers he placed beside it, I shuffled out.

Asher had already dried and tugged on a silk robe. He patted the bed and waved the brush at me. I sighed and dropped on the edge of the bed with my back to him. He worked a small towel over the tips of my hair. The soothing touches chipped at more of the throbbing ball in my belly. He ran the brush through the top of my hair, taking care to tug gently through the tangles. I settled with the sounds of him brushing. It felt so good. Tension leaked from my limbs, and I closed my eyes.

“Bastien needs the both of you downstairs,” Ren’s strong voice filled the room. The brush paused and Tobias came out from the bathroom.

“Hand it over,” Ren said gruffly. Asher pulled the bristles from my hair and slapped it in Ren’s hand. Asher leaned over to kiss my cheek.

“I’ll be right back,Älskade.”

Tobias leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead. I didn’t turn to look at Ren, but he hovered until he took Asher’s place. He cleared his throat.

So gently, the bristles returned to my scalp. He dragged the brush down almost too lightly. Like he wasn’t experienced.

“I struggle with seeing you upset.” He sounded confused. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

He dragged the brush down my hair, reaching the end of the waves with little tugs.

“Your hair is so long.”

Thanks, I grew it myself.

“I understand you have many feelings right now.” He sighed. “Okay, I don’t understand it, but you have all of us. We will never leave you. Yes, you may be . . . sad? About your ??, but you will never be alone.” Was he rambling?

Ren continued to drag the brush through my hair with hesitant swipes.

“It’s looking promising, regardless. It took you four days to rise, and the span can last multiple days. Hope isn’t lost—” He stopped abruptly. “I don’t know how to comfort someone,” he muttered the words so low it was even hard for me to hear. But what was he going on about? The span ofwhatcan last multiple days?

“What do you mean?” I croaked. I turned so fast; the bristles snagged my hair.

I hissed from the sudden pain, and he hurried to untangle my hair.