“I’m sorry, Sire—” Wrenhaven rammed his hand into his chest, and he turned to dust. He brushed his sleeves off.
“Idiot.” Wrenhaven sighed. “Yes, I have helped Imogen.” He shot her a sneer. “Mistakenly. She clearly was not as capable as she made herself out to be.”
Roberta did not look even a little happy.
“All in favor of sentencing Wrenhaven to five centuries of the coffin,” she sneered down at him. I didn’t know what that meant, but based off the gasps from the others, it couldn’t be good.
Roberta raised her hand and all the rest did as well. Wrenhaven’s shoulders stiffened. “We will deal with you later,” Roberta spat.
Fergus put his hand out and Wrenhaven dropped to the ground, unconscious. “Bastien, it ‘as been centuries,” Fergus said with a thick brogue, nodding.
“Now, back to the matter at hand that gathered us today.” Roberta began imperiously, obviously trying to get this train wreck of a trial back on track.
“You can do away with blood-madness?” Fergus interrupted, leaning forward, his bulging biceps flexing with his movement.
“I have engineered a cure.” Disbelieving silence. “If you need proof, simply take a look at my eyes.”
“How did you do this while you were ill?” One of the Council members interjected. They were poking holes?—
Bastien remained calm under their questions. “I discovered it before I became ill. Upon moving locations?—”
“I found it,” Asher said, standing. “We had all his things stored in a different location when he became ill. When the manor wassuspiciouslyburned down, we thought it prudent to look through all our belongings.” That was a straight lie, but it sounded so believable.
“This is ridiculous,” Imogen snarled, standing and slamming her hands down on the table in front of her.
Roberta put her hand up. “Silence. Further outbursts will not be tolerated. This trial has been getting wildly out of hand.” She no longer seemed to be on Imogen’s side. “It looks to me that the female, Imogen, is simply an upset cuckold.”
“It does seem rather unfair to strip them of everything they have accumulated,” Gregor said.
“I agree,” Fergus grunted.
Bastien had simultaneously turned everyone against Imogen and kept my existence and my differences secret.
“I will gladly keep all Sires informed of my discoveries. Once I finalize it, we can work together to distribute an antidote.”
A small smile played on Louisa’s lips.
That was why Bastien was so focused. He’d known he could use it as leverage.
“I believe I have heard enough to conclude this trial. Imogen has stated her piece, and the rest of Crimson Coven has as well. I feel no more explanations are needed.” Roberta stated.
Fred and the rest of the vampires stood. “All in favor of Imogen’s request, raise your hand.”
The only one who did was the last member I didn’t know the name of.
I drooped. We’d won. I blinked. Not believing it. A smile began to crest across my lips. Now just to get away from here with Peter.
“Your claim for restitution from Crimson Coven is denied and your case is dismissed, Imogen. However, before we disband this session, there is one more thing to vote on. A Council trial is not to be borne lightly, only for the most serious of situations, and Imogen has, for the lack of a better phrase, fucked around.” Gregor smiled. “And now it’s time for her to find out. I motion she face punishment for her attacks on Crimson Coven. Whatever assets she believes are her due will no longer apply after insulting the sanctity of our Council agreements. I motion her punishment be that she must leave the United States for five centuries.”
“Aye,” Fergus agreed. “’Tis only fair.”
“As the keeper and organizer of our summons records, I will ensure Imogen departures from the States,” Roberta said.
My mouth dropped. Thank God for Gregor.
Imogen finally lifted her head. I couldn’t see more than her ponytail.
“I respect and will adhere to the Council’s decision.” Every vampire was absolutely silent. “And I will always uphold the law of the alliance.” She turned to smile at the guys. I leaned forward, too focused on Peter, which was why I knew what was coming as it happened. Imogen reached for him and with a quick twist, snapped his neck.