Page 103 of Feeding Frenzy

“Answer the question,” Fred interjected, ignoring Asher’s outburst.

“Imogen.” Tobias hissed.

Talia was shaking her head; tension lined her body. I could also tell this was no good. They were only asking leading questions and giving no chance for my guys to defend themselves.

“And from my understanding she is also the Sire of an Asher and Jaxon Crimson. Two of whicharealso Sires to your . . . peculiarly run Coven.”

Tobias only inclined his head in answer, unable to dispute their words.

They believed them too powerful. The vampires up there wanted to do away with Crimson Coven because of how they led.

“Well, these unfortunate circumstances are clear reasoning to no longer allow Coven’s with multiple Coven Sires,” Wrenhaven said, leaning his elbows on the surface of the podium.

“While there may be some truth to your words, we must return to the matter at hand, Wrenhaven. That is a matter to discuss at a later time,” Roberta announced.

“Thank you, Council members.” Imogen sniffled. This was all a game to her. She just wanted anevent. She wanted to be in the spotlight, while simultaneously destroying Crimson Coven for daring to reject her.

“However, that is not the only proof that they should be unseated as Crimson Coven Sires as Wrenhaven suggests. There is one more thing I did not include in my initial dispute.” She turned to face Tobias. At this angle, her eyes glinted with satisfaction. “They’ve harbored a blood-mad vampire. Against all vampire Council regulations.”

Everyone stiffened. The silence was deafening.

“Bastien Crimson has been blood-mad for decades and they’ve kept him chained, using him to infect other vampires.” An audible gasp crossed the crowd.

I stiffened. The way she said it made it sound much worse. Mingling truth with a lie. I sank my nails into my thigh, making sure not to break skin.

“But that is not the worst of their crimes. They also endanger us as a species, constantly.”

“Imogen,” Tobias hissed. Jax had stood. He looked ready to pounce.

“No,” she cried dramatically, her hands flying up as if to ward them off. “I am done hiding your secrets lest they doom us all.” She sniffled.


I clutchedmy head with a groan and the chains around my wrist rattled. I breathed in, smelling the vampire’s blood coating the lab. And a human. I whirled toward the female sitting at the chair with her elbows on the counter. She watched me leerily.

“Um, they told me to tell you they couldn’t wait for you to.” She lifted her fingers and made two hooks with them. “Snap out of it.”

“They already left?”

She nodded.

“How long have they been gone?”

She pulled a device from her pocket. “Almost an hour.” I yanked on the chains. The edges dug into my skin, making my blood drip to my elbow.

“Hand me the key,” I ordered. She only stared at me.

“I don’t think I should?—”

“Now,” I snarled. She jumped and hurried to toss it to me. I caught it and unlocked my chain.

“Wait,” the vampire without fingers croaked. I hastened to my area to collect the blood and return it to storage. I didn’t answer him. They’d been torturing him to get him to speak but had been unsuccessful.

I’d worked with this type before. Imogen would not have chosen a weak-willed vampire to align herself with.

“Will you really be able to heal blood-madness?” he croaked.

I carefully slid the Petrie dish into the ice box.