Page 9 of Feeding Frenzy

Understatement of the century. “Asher explained everything he said to you. Do you understand we are yours?”

I pursed my lips and hesitantly nodded. He must be talking about Asher’s spiel about needing time.

“I am working on finding a safe location for her to go, but she doesn’t want to be alone.” He grimaced. “I would go with her, but I do not want to leave you. My selfishness is causing you pain.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “Imogen is part of a past life. Having her around, puts all of us on edge.” I peeked at Ren’s angry downturn of his lips from the corner of my eyes. “Ren and Asher are remaining patient because of me. Nothing will change your position in this Coven or with us?—”

“Why wasn’t I part of this conversation?”

Tobias didn’t turn to the voice behind him, but I leaned around him to glare at Jax. He stood near the kitchen exit, mouth pressed into a thin line. No one responded to him. Jax glared at Asher.

“Everyone knows your choice,” I said in the most even tone I could muster. He scowled and a line appeared between his eyebrows.

“My choice?” He sneered. His fangs had descended at some point, and they flashed. “I wasn’t given one.”

“Your choice is clear with the shirt she was wearing.” Petty of me, but I didn’t care. “Where did you sleep last night?” Evensaying the words caused my stomach to twist like my intestines had been grabbed and yanked.

His eyes thinned. He suddenly appeared feet away from me, too fast for me to track, and shouldered Tobias to the side. I gasped, stumbling back and hitting Asher’s chest. Ren had a hold of Jax’s shoulder.

“I won’t hurt her,” Jax spat, yanking free of Ren. “You fuckers don’t think much of me, do you?” He stepped in front of me and reached over my shoulder to shove Asher. “I expected more from you.”

“Jaxon, you haven’t left her side.”

I stiffened.

Jax hissed and grabbed Asher’s shirt and yanked him, leaving me squished between them.

This was not the type of twin sandwich I enjoyed. The cotton of Jax’s shirt pressed against my cheek. His sweet scent enveloped me. For a split second, I teetered forward, toward him. No, I had to snap out of it, Jax did not deserve my care anymore. He’d crossed the line. He had what he wanted now, anyway. Why was he kicking up a fuss?

“Get off him,” I snapped at Jax, shoving him. He didn’t budge, so I wiggled out from between them to face all of them. I pointed at Jax. “I’m done with you.”

I didn’t like what this jealousy was turning me into. My lower lip warbled and Jax stepped forward, but I put a palm up.

Asher’s eyebrows furrowed and he collected me to his chest. I breathed him in. He was my Asher, the one that always looked out for me, in his oddly psychotic way. I didn’t want to lose them to Imogen or to age.

I was ready to be with them. For good. I couldn’t let her take all of this from me, especially if they were serious about choosing me.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my eyes to Tobias, resting my temple against Asher’s chest. His shirt was open at the front, so my face rested against his skin warmed by my blood.

“Turn me into a vampire.”

Desperation burst the words free. I’d been playing with the idea for a while, but I hadn’t had the guts to ask them. Was it a fear of rejection? Highly likely, but now that the words were free, it was easier to breathe.

This was the only way we would have nothing between us, and Imogen wouldn’t be able to kill me so easily.

My announcement caused every single vampire to still. Tobias exchanged a look with Ren. That cautious look wasn’t the reaction I expected. I pulled away from Asher, taking a step back.

I rubbed my sweating palms against my thighs.

“I mean . . . if you guys were serious, and Imogen showing up doesn’t change anything. I want forever with you.” I breathed in shakily. “I don’t want to lose you.”

Too much happened to me, and I wanted to fight for what I had with them. I never belonged before—more importantly, I’d never felt safe. I would hold onto it with both hands.

“Catalina,” Tobias started. He went quiet. My gaze bounced from one vampire to the other. They all looked like a stiff wind could topple them over.

“What is it? Spit it out.” My stomach hurt. I hugged myself like I could keep the pain at a manageable level.

“You can’t be turned,” Ren announced, obliterating my bloom of hope.

Tobias’s jaw flexed.