Page 85 of Feeding Frenzy

I threw my arms around his waist, clinging. His body stiffened and his hard abdomen flexed.

“Cat?” he said, a slight question in his tone.

His palm covered my wrist, and he squeezed. Not letting go of him, I shuffled until I was in front of him with my arms still around his waist. My neck craned to look at him.

Ren’s eyes flicked to the side then returned to mine. He seemed almost uncomfortable with my show of affection. I dropped my arms, but before I could back away, he pressed his palm to the middle of my back and forced me back to him. I grunted from the force he plastered me to his chest. He avoided looking down at me.

I rolled my lips into my mouth, keeping my smile from blooming. I’d interrupted whatever conversation he’d been having with Tobias.

“Son of a bitch,” Asher hissed. I whirled to see him storm through the entrance beside the fridge in a huff. He beelined right to the fridge. He yanked open the door and pulled out a blood bag and collected a glass cup from the cabinet to the side. He yanked open the packet with his teeth. I didn’t watch him pour it in, because my attention was on the doorway where a woman stood with her mouth hanging open. Fangs poked out, framed by her bright pink lipstick.

Her long curly hair swayed around her shoulders.

“Jaxon,” a woman cried out. She clapped her hands together and flounced forward.

Her bright pink dress fluttered around her knees and her tall heels clicked on the cream tile. Those pumps were to die for.

She charged right toward Jax. He grabbed my bicep and yanked me away from Ren so I was between her and them. Just in time for her to smack right into my forehead. She hissed, cupping her chin, and in the process hit me with her elbow.

I winced.

“Catalina,” Jax gasped. He cupped my face and smoothed his thumb across my lower lip. I sucked it into my mouth to lick up the blood from my fang slicing into my lip. Tonguing the area, I didn’t feel the cut anymore.

“Be careful,” Asher hissed. She flinched, her nose wrinkling.

The woman, dark haired, willow-y and painfully beautiful, stared with her lips parted.

This must be Baron. Her eyes flicked to me and then to Jax.

“I was just going to say hi.” An accent thickened her voice. She huffed, eyeing Jax over my shoulder. I cleared my throat.

“Catalina.” Her big brown eyes focused on me, she threw her arms around me, squishing my boobs against hers. She pulled back, keeping hold of the outside of my arms. “Please do not misunderstand, young vampire. I saved myself for Jax, and he only tossed it in my face.” Her eyes narrowed at him over my shoulders.

“How is that my fault?” Jax snapped. “Let her go.”

Baron dropped her hands and crossed her arms with another exaggerated huff. She dropped me with the speed of a vampire doing as their Sire ordered.

Ren bunched the back of her curly hair and yanked her back another step. She stumbled on her heels.

“Do not touch her.”

Baron put her hands up and tried to pull away, unsuccessfully.

“Apologies,” she mumbled. “I did not know you were serious, Asher; you are never serious about these things. Especially females.”

I touched Ren’s arm. He let her go and crossed his arms, not looking like he’d just yanked her around. She patted her hair down with a frown. Her brown eyes focused on mine, and she pursed her lips.

“I mean no disrespect,” she said, her eyes wide and flicking side to side. All of her earlier energy tamped down.

“Don’t even worry about it, they’re being dramatic.” I flicked my gaze from one too-stiff vampire to the other. “Asher told me you helped find this place. I love it.”

“Yes.” She perked up. “I did . . .” She continued to ramble on. She smelled pretty good. Not as good as their blood, but something that would do. I couldn’t look away from her throat. Was she stepping close to me? A hand yanked me back and I bounced against a chest.

“Be a dear, Baron, and purchase some more items for the house and some clothing for everyone,” Asher ordered, sounding rushed. I shook my head to snap myself out of the craving.

“I will compile a list!” She clapped and turned to me. “I will show you when I am done.” Her heels clicked as she rushed away.

I waited until she was gone to exhale and buried my face in my hands.