Page 68 of Feeding Frenzy

“You three need to stay away from Imogen,” Ren ordered.

I turned my attention to the footsteps approaching. And the rest of them became silent.

“Where is she?” Catalina asked, curling her fingers into a fist. “I heard you say her name and don’t lie to me.”

“She is at Crimson Nights,” Tobias said.

Asher gripped her arms and pulled her close.

“You should wait here.”

“No!” Her eyes widened and her heart jumped. “I’m going with you,” she announced, her chin lifting stubbornly. Such a beautiful female. Her eyes flicked side to side. She did not want to be alone.



Maddy kept rubbingher palms against her jeans and readjusting herself next to me. She’d insisted on coming with us. I tried talking her out of it, but she refused to budge. Perspiration beaded at her temples and her eyes continued to flick side to side.

I had no doubt if I breathed in, I would smell her fear. As it was, the rush of her heart pumping echoed like the softest buzzing to my ears.

I sank my nails into my thigh. Fabric tore, and I relaxed my hand, so I didn’t break into skin. The SUV bumped onto the drive and Ren pulled up to the curb behind Crimson Nights. I’d never been to the side of the structure. Brick buildings stretched around us. Lights from a sign flickered in the distance. Nightclubs surrounded the area, but all that would point to Crimson Nights being a nightclub was the line stretching from the front doors.

Considering all the explicit activities on the dance floor the last time we were here, I had no doubt they compelled whatever humans did make it through. A sleek car pulled up next to the SUV. Bastien, Jax, and Asher hopped out. They all scanned different sections as they surrounded the SUV. Bastienhad glasses blocking his red eyes. He pulled my door open and leaned his forearm against the top.

Ren shut the engine off. All the vampires seemed on edge and quiet—introspective.

Tobias turned his torso to look at us in the back and the leather seat creaked.

“Maddy, you remain in the vehicle with Cat.” This was news to me.

“What why! I want to go with you!” Panic viced around my chest.

“No, Catalina,” Tobias said sternly. “If anyone remembers you from the last time you were here, there will be questions about your differences.”

“Imogen cannot know you live,” Bastien agreed, and he cupped the side of my neck.

Well, that was true, but I didn’t want to be stuck in the car without one of them.

“Could one of you stay?” I asked in a small voice. Bastien and Tobias shared a look.

“I have not shown myself in decades. I will stay.”

I deflated with relief.

“Let us get this over with,” Tobias spoke like he knew exactly what awaited them inside. They left too quick for me to track. The metal back door slammed shut.

“Will they be okay without you?” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from where they’d disappeared. I would never forgive myself if I asked him to stay, and they’d needed Bastien.

He nodded once, I couldn’t tell if he was looking at me or through the window behind me.

“If Imogen is with a representative and they are here, where there are many vampires present, they are likely serving us with a summons.”

“What’s that?” Sounded ominous and by the twisting of his lips, he was not happy about it.

“I do not know how to explain it.” Bastien frowned, removing his palm from my shoulder to place it on the side of the door. His shoulders rippled under his borrowed t-shirt with each of his movements.

“They’re getting summoned before the Council. Imogen likely put a claim against them,” Maddy offered, side eyeing Bastien. Discomfort bled from her posture.