Page 25 of Feeding Frenzy

“Out.” I whipped my head toward Tobias’s shout. His stone like face turned into a sneer. The flurry of movement became dizzying with how fast everyone moved. The only one that seemed to be taking his sweet time was that red-headed male. He slowly zipped up his dick and strolled out with a smirk.

Imogen inched inside the living room, yanking all of my attention to her. She did this.

“You,” I shouted and ran faster than I ever had. I shoved her, but she didn’t even budge. Her eyebrows rose.

“Why this violence, human?”

An innocent,fakeexpression.

It pissed me off even more. My hands trembled at my side. Clatter and cursing erupted down the hall. Moments later a grinning semi-naked female vampire staggered around the bend with chains in her cloth-wrapped hand. She tugged again and Bastien entered, yanking at the chains with a snarl. They weakened him, otherwise he would have done away with her easily.

“I let this big guy loose,” the female vampire laughed. “I kept hearing the clang of chains. When did Bastien go blood-mad?”

Ren yanked one of the metal legs off the coffee table and swung until the jagged tip sliced into her chest. She gawked down at the pole sticking out of her. Then her body disintegrated until she was ash. I clutched my chest, gawking at the pile of dead female. Ren tossed the broken metal piece to the floor.Bastien was suddenly next to me, feral red eyes focused on Imogen, lips fixed in a sneer.

“Mood killer,” Imogen drawled, but her attention hadn’t moved from Bastien. She blinked, studying him. “You didn’t look likethislast I saw you.”

Bastien snarled at her, angling in front of me.

Imogen sniffed and tipped her chin up.

“Savage.” She derisively sneered, but still she scanned him. My metaphorical hackles raised. Even though Bastien had been the one to hurt me, I didn’t like the insult toward him.

He may not understand the degrading words, but I did.

I swung to look around at the others, but none of them said anything . . . like they were used to her talking about Bastien in such a degrading way.

My stomach rose in my throat.

I fucking hated that.

How could they just allow it? They were supposed to be a team. I whirled so fast it caused my vision to swim.

“Don’t talk about him like that.”

“Oh, I did not mean anything by it, human.” Her eyes rounded, and she blinked as her face crumpled. She just had to tack on ‘human’ it was her thing, a little jab of reminder in front of them. Just another way she showed her underhandedness. I turned to the guys, and they seemed visibly uncomfortable. Tobias smoothed his frown.

“Calm yourself.” He lightly pressed on my shoulder, skillfully inserting himself in between us.

I clenched my teeth.

“I was treating Asher to a night of fun. The kind he truly likes.”

I was practically frothing at the mouth at this point, but I continued to fight off the tears.

“We leave for a few hours, and you do this, Imogen?” Tobias stared at his sister. I whipped my attention to him accusingly.

“You let this happen.”

“Catalina,” he started, hesitantly.

Imogen scoffed and lifted her chin, that stupid confused innocence fading.

“And you’ve been holding Asher back.”

Tears flooded my eyes. I gritted my teeth so hard I could feel them close to shattering. “He likes variety. Not your weak?—”

“Enough, Imogen.” Tobias’s voice held no room for argument. The low, hissed threat sent a chill down my spine.