The nightstand was empty, but a little worn card poked out from the drawer. I plucked it out. Maddy must have cleaned. If one of the vampires would have seen the card, their nosiness would have led them to questioning why I had Alistair’s card tucked away in the drawer under the restocked lube. I tucked it into the drawer even though at this point, I didn’t need it. I stared at it enough to have memorized the number.
Thumping from outside persisted. It was a low, gritty echo that had to be extremely loud if I could hear it from in here. I rolled onto my feet, stretching my arms behind my back.
I slid into my slippers by the door. I frowned; the door had been left ajar. Pulling the door fully open, I winced from the assault of noise. What was going on downstairs? I rubbed my exhausted face. The hem of my PJ shorts tickled my thighs as I stepped into the cold hallway.
I descended into the foyer slowly. I scanned the area. My grip on the banister tightened. It vibrated under my palm, going to the rhythm of the bass. Not only was the music different, but either new lights had been installed, or the bulbs were switched to red ones. At the base of the stairs, I had a clear view into the living room.
My heart stalled.
A nude woman gyrated on top of a man. I could only see her dark hair flutter against her bare back, and the knees of the male who gripped the couch cushion with his hands fisted. My pulse raced. Those loafers—no. The edges of my vision became hazy.
I staggered forward and yanked the girl’s shoulder. Not thinking, because if I had been, I would have known it was a bad idea. The woman whirled and snarled at me, flashing sharp fangs, but I was already looking at the male. Red hair—not one ofmine. I backed up, but before I stepped out of range, the woman grabbed my arm near the elbow.
I gasped, flinching from her tight hold, but she didn’t let me go. Her breasts bounced with her sudden movement, and I got a flash of the male’s cock inside her.
“Let me go.” I tugged fruitlessly.
I swept my attention around. More vampires in various states of undress. On the floor was a couple, a male holding another male to the ground by the neck as he thrust. The other settee had a female’s legs spread wide eagle while a man went down on her. Moans and groans reached through the thumping music. My attention fell on Asher standing near the wall with stiffness radiating from him. Thank God he was dressed, but what was all this? He faced the wall as if it held the answers to the universe.
“Asher,” I shouted. My voice was drowned out by the music, but somehow, he heard me. He turned so suddenly, and his eyes widened.
“Asher,” I croaked.
“Let her go,” he snarled at the woman holding onto me, but he didn’t step closer, he remained near the wall, scraping his hands through his hair.
“You should have said you would bring food, Ash, just like the old days.” Her grin widened and she pulled me closer, breathing in deep. Kind of uncomfortable since the man had begun to gyrate up into her. His eyes were on my face, half-lidded and intrigued. He was a big male.
“Let me go,” I said through my gritted teeth.
“She smells mouthwatering,” she said, her eyes flashing red. She swayed forward. An arm wrapped around my belly and at the same time a hand lashed out to smack her across the face. She yelped and let me go, blood sprayed on the male inside her and his eyebrows twitched up as he smirked at my savior. Ihuddled back into the hard body at my back and peeked up at Ren. Thank God.
“Thank you,” I said, choked. He always showed up when I was in deep shit. Kind of like when Bastien?—
I rubbed my eyes, pressing my palms into my eye sockets. When I removed them, everything around me was still the same. People were fucking, but the woman Ren backhanded had unmounted the redhead. He sprawled back, his dick still out. I averted my eyes, my face flushing.
What was it with vampires and orgies? And in Crimson Manor?
Imogen. That weird bitch. I wiggled free of Ren’s surprisingly loose grip and hurried to Asher’s side. He stared down at me, eyebrows furrowed.
“Let’s go, Asher.” I grabbed his hand and tugged, but he was like a boulder.
“No,” Asher said through gritted teeth. The response sucker punched me in the gut, and I flinched. His expression became even more stiff, unrecognizable.
I scowled, shaking my head, so confused. A few days passed and he chosethis?
“You’re unbelievable,” I spat. His head jerked back like I’d taken a bat to him. The ball in my stomach pulsed and the nastiness spread, spilling into my words.
Ren settled his palm on my hip, he leaned down to speak near my ear.
“He can’t.”
“Bull! If this was what he wants. He should have just told me.” I pressed my lips into a thin line. So hurt. The music cut off suddenly.
“If you liked all this so much, I would have gotten out of your way.” My shouted words lashed out, aiming to hit him. There’d been comments about him being a former ‘sexualservice provider’. Every time it was mentioned there was a level of derisiveness to it. I had no problem with the profession, but I believed he only wanted me. In all the times he’d disappeared, had he been fucking Imogen?
Heaviness in my stomach pulsed, causing my chest to feel like rocks were accumulating in it. I couldn’t breathe.
Asher continued to stare at me with dead eyes.