Page 113 of Feeding Frenzy



I steppedon the back of Peter’s shoe. He whirled in the middle of the foyer and pierced me with a glare. I ducked my head sheepishly and took a step back.


“Space, Cat. Space!”

“No need to shout,” I mumbled with a huff.

Peter sighed and shoved his fingers through his hair.

“I know you’re worried, but I’m fine. Bastien explained everything. What we are, how we’re different,” he continued rambling away.

I couldn’t stop looking away from that tuft of hair sticking up. Getting on my tiptoes, I smoothed the strands down, rubbing until it stuck.

He’d gone silent at some point. I dropped my eyes to his. Here I was, with my arm extended to reach the side of his head, while he glared at me.

I dropped back to the flat of my feet, lips pursed. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. I was just glad he was here and could give me attitude.

“Look, I know you’re worried, but you’re driving me crazy.” He gripped the sides of my arms. “I’m not going anywhere, plus I’m harder to kill now.”

My lips twisted. He shouldn’t have been dragged into all of this?—

“Stop,” he said, exasperated. “I’m serious, Catty. Go away.” He squeezed my arm and dropped his hands. He focused on the hallway we’d just exited. The one leading to the stairs.

“You too, Sydney. Stop following me around.” His tone softened the slightest bit but was no less demanding. He turned and continued toward the kitchen. “I’m going to call your lawyer about my inheritance.”

“Okay,” I called back, grinning.

A small sigh dragged my attention over to Sydney peeking around the corner.

“He has a temper,” Sydney muttered, focused on the direction he’d disappeared.

“It’s a new development,” I mumbled. Sydney shuffled forward. She wasn’t giving up on following him.

“Let me know if he’s getting into trouble,” I whispered. Her eyes brightened and she nodded. I backed up in the opposite direction of the kitchen. Crossing the foyer, I entered the wide entrance. To the left was another little dining room and a little further down the hall opened to a huge living room with couches set up around a coffee table. Asher reclined next to Jax who had his boots perched on the edge of the coffee table.

“Let’s go handle this now. It’s obvious she wants to draw us out. If we go, it can be our chance to finish this,” Tobias said, leaning forward on the couch across from the twins, while Bastien stood to the side. And on the other side of Bastien, closest to me, was Ren in a love seat. Their discussion cut off.

I jumped onto Ren’s lap, curling against his chest. His palm rested on my spine.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he murmured, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

I shrugged.

“For being so good,” I responded.

“I’ve never been accused of being good.” He chuckled and slid his hand onto my thigh. I placed mine on top of his and turned to look at the rest of them.

“What’s happening?” I asked, almost cautiously. Would they be truthful?

Tobias exchanged a look with Bastien and then looked at the twins sitting across from him. He must be reading their minds.

Finally, he faced me.

“One of our Progeny requested a meeting.”