She finally pulls back. “We should go,” she says softly. “I don’t want to stay here any longer than we have to.”

I nod, helping her to her feet. She sways slightly, and I wrap an arm around her waist to steady her. As we make our way out ofthe cell, she hesitates over the body of the man on the floor. “I killed him.” She sounds dispassionate, but perhaps with a hint of pride. “It was him or me.”

“I have no doubt,lyubimaya.” I sweep her into my arms to preserve her tender feet, and because she’s clearly dizzy. She feels like no burden at all in my current state as we navigate the maze-like corridors of “Eastern State Penitentiary,” passing by my men as they secure the area.

We pass a woman huddling on the floor, looking frightened. I almost pause to ask, but a glance a Claire’s satisfied expression keeps me moving forward. “You know her?”

“I know enough to say she deserves whatever she gets.”

I nod, and soon, we exit the prison. The moonlight catches in her hair, giving her an almost ethereal glow. Seeing her mostly whole and uninjured, and out of that place, fills me with emotions I can’t untangle, and a lump in my throat.

I cough to clear it before blurting out, “Claire?” My voice is rough with emotion. “I love you.”

Her eyes widen for a moment before softening. She smiles slowly and tenderly. “I love you too, Valerian.”

I gently set her down but only to pull her into my arms, kissing her with all the passion and relief I’ve been holding back, though I’m still careful not to hurt her.. Her lips are soft against mine, and she melts into the embrace. When we finally break apart, both breathless, I rest my forehead against hers.

“Let’s go home,” I murmur.

She nods, and I lift and carry her again. Once she’s in the back of the SUV with me, and my pulse has slowed somewhat, I callYuri. “I want that meeting as soon as possible. Matvey is dead, but this Lev should be the key to undoing every facet of his empire.”

“Will do, boss.” He hesitates. “Did you get back your woman?”

I nod though he can’t see it. I tighten my arms around her. “Yes. She’s where she belongs.”

She lets out a contented hum and snuggles closer. “Rest now,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

Viktor returns to the SUV, looking a little battered and bloodied, but he gets behind the wheel without protest. Soon, he drives us through the dark streets of Philadelphia.

Claire’s breathing evens out as she drifts off to sleep, her body warm against mine. I tighten my arm around her, my mind drifting to Matvey’s words about her being pregnant. Is it true? The possibility fills me with myriad emotions, chiefly fear, excitement, and protectiveness.

Now isn’t the time to ask. Claire needs rest and medical attention, so everything else can wait. For now, I’m content to hold her close and savor this moment of peace we’ve fought so hard to achieve.

As the car winds its way through the quiet streets, I allow myself a small smile. A while later, when we pull up to the curb in front of the penthouse, which is the closer residence, I gently shake Claire awake. “We’re here,” I say softly.

She blinks sleepily, disoriented for a moment before recognition dawns. I help her out of the car, carrying her once more as we make our way up the lobby. The private elevator whisks us to thepenthouse, and I’m not surprised to see Anatoly has beaten us here from the mansion.

“Welcome back, sir,” he says, his gaze flicking to Claire with concern. “I took the liberty of calling Dr. Neranov.”

I nod my thanks as we enter the house. I carry her straight to my bedroom, and she doesn’t protest, which tells me more about how she’s feeling than any words could. As we enter the room, Dr. Neranov looks up from where she’s arranging supplies. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of Claire, but she quickly masks her surprise with professional detachment.

“Sit here, please,” she says, patting the bed. “I’ll need to check for a concussion and any other injuries.”

I help Claire sit, and my hand lingers on her back. She gives me a small, reassuring smile before turning her attention to the doctor.

As Dr. Neranov begins her examination, I step back, giving them space. My phone buzzes in my pocket. Dmitri, no doubt, with an update on the situation at “Eastern State,” or perhaps Yuri with meeting details. I should take the call, but I can’t bring myself to leave Claire’s side just yet.

Instead, I watch as Dr. Neranov shines a light in Claire’s eyes, asks her to follow her finger, and probes gently at the bruise on her cheek. Claire winces occasionally but remains stoic throughout the examination.

Finally, the doctor steps back with a satisfied nod. “No signs of a concussion, thankfully. The bruising will be painful for a few days, but there’s no serious damage. I’ll give you some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication.” She pauses, hergaze flicking to me before returning to Claire. “Is there anything else I should know? Any other concerns?”

I tense, wondering if she’s picking up on something I’ve missed, but Claire shakes her head. “No, that’s all. Thank you, Doctor.”

Dr. Neranov nods before she turns away to prepare the medications.

“You should rest now,” I tell Claire as Dr. Neranov hands her the pills and a glass of water moments later.

She swallows the medication and slides under the covers. “Will you stay with me?” she asks softly.