Dr. Ivanova’s lips curl into a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Your pregnancy, of course. Matvey wants to ensure his leverage remains in good health…and exists.”

The casual way she refers to my unborn children as “leverage” makes my blood boil. I clench my fists, fighting the urge to lash out.

“I don’t need a check-up,” I say, my voice cold. “I’m fine.”

“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter,” Dr. Ivanova replies, setting down a medical bag I hadn’t noticed before. “Now, shall we begin?” She pulls out a pregnancy test. “You can take this, or I can order some men to hold you down while I draw blood.”

As she approaches, I reluctantly take the box and brace myself for whatever comes next. Each moment is an opportunity, I remind myself. Stay calm, stay alert, and look for openings.Valerian is coming, and when he does, Matvey Petrov will learn the true meaning of fear.



The convoy of black SUVs tears through the streets of Philadelphia, each turn bringing us closer to “Eastern State Penitentiary.” My hands clench and unclench on my thighs as I stare out the tinted window, the city blurring past in a smear of gray and neon.

“Faster,” I say harshly to Viktor. He nods, pressing down on the accelerator.

My mind spins while Claire’s face flashes through it. The thought of Matvey laying a hand on her makes my blood boil. I’ve killed for less. The phone buzzes in my pocket. Yuri’s name flashes on the screen. I answer with a sharp, “What?”

“Boss, I’ve arranged a meeting with Lev through a guard I’ve got on payroll. We can?—”

“Not now,” I cut him off. “Focus on finding any intel on where Matvey might be keeping Claire within the prison. I want blueprints, security protocols, everything.”

“But Lev could have crucial information about?—”

“I said not now.” My voice drops dangerously low. “Claire is the priority. Understood?”

A pause. “Yes, boss. I’ll keep digging.”

I end the call, tossing the phone onto the seat beside me. My fingers itch for my gun, for action, or for anything to channel this fury coursing through my veins.

The crumbling stone walls of “Eastern State” rise ahead, a fortress of decay and despair. I speak across our frequency so all can hear me. “Viktor, take a team and secure the perimeter. Dmitri, you’re with me. The rest of you, stay alert and be ready to move on my command.”

A chorus of affirmatives crackles through the speaker. As we screech to a halt outside the main gate, I check my watch. Fifty-two minutes left on Matvey’s deadline. It’s more than enough time to tear this place apart brick by brick if that’s what it takes to find Claire.

I step out of the SUV, and Dmitri materializes at my side, looking grim. “Your orders, boss?”

“We go in hard and fast,” I say, adjusting my suit jacket to better conceal my holster. “Take out anyone who gets in our way, but Matvey is mine, and if you find Claire...” I pause, meeting his gaze. “Get her out immediately, no matter what happens to me. Understood?”

He nods, his expression softening for just a moment. “We’ll find her, Valerian.”

I turn to face the aging prison, its gothic architecture reminding anyone who views it of the horrors that once took place withinthese walls. Now, it’s become the stage for a new nightmare, one I intend to end. “Let’s move,” I command, striding toward the entrance. My Makarov PM against my back is reassuring. I’ve never hesitated to use it before, and I won’t start now when Claire’s life hangs in the balance.

As we approach the main gate, I spot two of Matvey’s men poorly disguised as security guards. Their eyes widen in recognition when we draw near. Before they can reach for their weapons, Dmitri and I move in perfect sync.

I drive my fist into the first guard’s solar plexus, following up with a sharp elbow to the back of his head when he doubles over. He crumples to the ground, unconscious. Dmitri dispatches the other with brutal efficiency, a quick series of strikes leaving the man in a heap beside his companion.

“Amateurs,” he mutters, retrieving the guards’ access cards.

I nod in agreement, my lips curling into a sneer. If this is the caliber of men Matvey’s relying on, perhaps I’ve overestimated him. Still, I can’t afford to be cocky with Claire’s life on the line. It could be he left these two with orders to let us through. I can’t rule out anything when Matvey seems intent on playing some dark and twisted game.

We swipe the cards, and the heavy iron gate creaks open. The sound echoes through the empty courtyard, setting my nerves on edge. It’s too quiet. Where are the rest of Matvey’s men?

Moments later, I enter the dimly lit corridors of Eastern State Penitentiary with Dmitri at my side. The air is thick, damp, and musty, a fitting atmosphere for the grim task ahead. I scan the shadows, searching for any sign of movement.

“Stay alert,” I murmur to Dmitri. He nods, resting his hand on the butt of his holstered weapon.

We move swiftly down the main corridor, passing rows of empty cells. The silence is oppressive, broken only by the occasional drip of water from rusted pipes. Every nerve in my body is on edge, anticipating an ambush at any moment.