“It means releasing multiple eggs in one cycle. A sudden hormonal shift can trigger a fertile cycle without you realizing it. This could be caused by stress reduction, dietary changes, a new lifestyle, or even weight fluctuation.”

I think about how much my life has changed since moving in with Valerian. The regular balanced meals, the reduction in work stress, the...physical activity. My cheeks flush at thememory. “But quadruplets?” I’m still struggling to wrap my head around the concept. “Isn’t that incredibly rare?”

Dr. Carey nods, his expression serious. “It is extremely unlikely, but not impossible. If your ovaries overcompensated in a single cycle, it could result in the release of multiple eggs. Combined with the right timing...” He trails off, letting the implication hang in the air.

I close my eyes, trying to process this information. Four babies. Growing inside me right now. The enormity of it threatens to overwhelm me.

“What do I do?” I ask, feeling faint.

Dr. Carey leans forward, his tone gentle but firm. “At this stage, we need to focus on your health and the health of the fetuses. Multiple pregnancies carry higher risks, so we’ll need to monitor you closely. I’d like to?—”

Suddenly, I slump forward. I don’t remember how, but when I open my eyes a few minutes later, I’m lying back on the exam table again. “What happened?

“Claire?” Dr. Carey’s voice pulls me back to the present. “Are you with me? You fainted.”

I nod slowly as my head spins.

He pats my hand. “I know this is a lot to take in. Do you have someone you can talk to about this? A partner or family member?”

Valerian’s face flashes in my mind. The man I love, the father of these babies, and the most dangerous person I know. “Yes,” I say, my voice steadier than I feel. “I have someone.”

He hands me a stack of pamphlets and prescriptions for prenatal vitamins. As I gather my things to leave, he places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Take care of yourself, Claire, and my door is always open if you have questions or concerns. I don’t know if you heard me telling you that you’ll need to see a high-risk obstetrician. That was about the time you tried to face-dive off the table,” he says with a gentle smile. “I’ll arrange a referral for that, and I’ve made some notes on the ultrasound pictures when you’re ready to view them.”

I thank him and make my way out of the office on autopilot, stuffing the paperwork in an oversized bag I brought along just for that purpose. In the waiting room, Ivan and Sergei stand as soon as they see me, looking at me for any sign of distress.

“Everything okay, Miss Claire?” asks Ivan, his gruff voice tinged with concern.

I force a smile, clutching my purse like a lifeline. “Fine. Just a routine check-up.”

As we exit the building, the crisp air hits my face. I inhale and exhale, trying to banish the dizziness and center myself. Four babies. Valerian’s babies. Our babies.



Quadruplets. The word echoes in my head, refusing to settle into reality. The sidewalk beneath my feet feels unsteady, and I grip my purse tighter, trying to anchor myself.

A prickling sensation creeps up my neck, and I glance around, suddenly aware of my surroundings. A figure in the distance catches my attention, a man in a dark coat, leaning against alamppost. He seems to be watching me. I blink, and he turns away, lighting a cigarette.

“It’s nothing,” I mutter to myself, shaking my head. “You’re just paranoid.”

I force myself to take a deep breath, willing my racing heart to slow. The spring air fills my lungs as I remember how to breathe. In and out. In and out. It’s supposed to help calm me, but it doesn’t. I start walking again after a moment.

Ivan and Sergei flank me, their imposing presence a reminder of the world I now inhabit. A world where I need bodyguards to go to a doctor’s appointment. A world where I’m carrying the children of one of the most dangerous men in Philadelphia.

The drive home is a blur. I stare out the window but don’t see much. My hand rests on my still-flat stomach, and I try to imagine four tiny lives growing inside me. It’s overwhelming.

When we arrive at Valerian’s mansion, I’m relieved to hear he’s in a meeting with Alexei. It gives me time to compose myself, to figure out how I’m going to tell him about this unexpected development.

I retreat to my room, kicking off my shoes and collapsing onto the bed. The envelope from Dr. Carey’s office sits on my nightstand, taunting me. With a sigh, I reach for it, pulling out the stack of pamphlets and information sheets.

For the next hour, I immerse myself in research. I read about the risks of multiple pregnancies, the extra care needed, and the potential complications. Each new piece of information adds to the mass pressing down on my chest.

“How am I supposed to do this?” I whisper to the empty room.

My gaze lands on the referral to Dr. Rachel Leven, the high-risk OB-GYN Dr. Carey recommended. I make a mental note to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Finally, I turn my attention to the ultrasound images. Dr. Carey has circled one, pointing out two of the babies sharing an amniotic sac. I squint at the grainy black and white photo, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.