I tap my fingertips against the glass. “Let me get this straight. Bennett was playing poker with a bunch of thugs when the police stormed in?”
“Exactly,” she says. “Officer Martinez was first through the door, gun drawn. According to witnesses, Jay stood up, knocked over his chair, and started arguing about police brutality. Created quite the scene.”
“While this mystery woman slipped away.” The Dewars burns down my throat.
“Right, but here’s where it gets worse. Derek Carmichael pulled his piece and shot Martinez point-blank in the shoulder. The bullet shattered his collarbone and severed some nerves. Doctor says he’ll never regain full mobility.”
I drain the glass, ice cubes clinking. “And because Jay created the diversion that let Derek get close enough...”
“Accessory to attempted murder,” she finishes. “Plus gambling charges, resisting arrest—the works.”
I shake my head. “He’s an idiot, and now he’s facing accessory to attempted murder charges?”
“Exactly. If he testifies against the shooter, he can get the plea bargain. Otherwise, he’s facing the same charges and time.”
I shake my head, disbelief washing over me. “What a waste.”
“There’s one more thing, Valerian. The woman who escaped was picked up a few blocks later. She’s in jail but not expected to be charged in the attempted murder of the officer. Jay and Derek are facing the brunt.”
“Okay. Keep me informed if anything new comes up.” After hanging up, I shift in my chair, staring out at the Philadelphia skyline. Jay Bennett’s recklessness has finally caught up with him, and in spectacular fashion. The damage he’s done to his family, especially Claire…
She doesn’t deserve this burden. None of her family does.
I stand, pacing the length of my office. The plush carpet muffles my footsteps while I consider my options. I could intervene and use my influence to lessen Jay’s sentence, but at what cost? Would it truly help in the long run? He’s still an addict not facing his problems. I can’t see helping him off the hook, especially when his debt gives me leverage over his lovely sister.
A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. “Come in.”
Dmitri enters, his face grave. “Boss, I’ve got an update on the Petrov situation.”
I gesture for him to continue, returning to my desk.
Dmitri nods. “Remember that shipment we intercepted last month? Turns out it was just a decoy. The real goods made it through on a different route.”
I curse under my breath. Matvey’s cleverer than I gave him credit for. “Ramp up our surveillance on all Petrov operations. I want to know every move they make.”
“Already on it, boss.” With a respectful nod, he departs.
As Dmitri leaves, I down the last of my drink. The burn in my throat matches the fire building in my veins. I check my watch. It’s almost time for my massage appointment with Claire. I’m looking forward to her hands on my skin. I move to the adjoining bathroom to prepare for the session. My cock is trying to stiffen, and I’m doing my best to rein in that impulse. She’s supposed to be helping me relax, but that’s the last thing I feel around her.
A short time later, I settle onto the massage table, my face pressed into the cushioned headrest. The scent of eucalyptus oil fills the air as Claire’s hands begin working the knots from my shoulders. Her touch is firm yet gentle, easing the tension from my muscles.
“How’s that pressure?” she asks, kneading a particularly tight spot.
“Perfect,” I murmur, allowing myself to relax under her skilled hands.
As she works, I debate how much to reveal about her brother’s situation. Part of me wants to shield her from the harsh reality, but she deserves the truth since she’s already stuck paying off his debt to me. “I heard from my contact at the D.A.’s office today,” I say casually, turning my head slightly to gauge her reaction. “About your brother, Jay.”
Claire’s hands pause for a moment before resuming their steady rhythm. “Oh?” Her voice is carefully neutral.
I prepare myself for her response. “The charges are serious, Claire. He’s facing accessory to attempted murder of a police officer.”
Her fingers dig into my shoulder hard enough to make me wince. “What?” The word comes out as a strangled whisper.
I explain the raid on the Petrov gambling den, Jay’s drunken outburst creating a distraction, and his friend shooting the officer. With each detail, Claire’s movements become more tense and erratic.
“The D.A. is pushing for twenty-five years, especially since the officer will never be able to serve again, but there’s a plea deal on the table. Ten to fifteen if he cooperates with the investigation.”
Claire’s hands still completely. I can hear her ragged breathing in the silence. She finally says, “He’s probably too loyal and stupid to do that.”