Page 70 of The Lair

“Bring it on, boss man,” I tell him with a smile. Maybe he’s nervous about giving me a gift—as if he hadn’t done much more for me already. But some people get all weird and awkward about giving or receiving stuff, so I understand. “I’ll like whatever you got me.”

Ignoring Charlie’s hawk-like stare pinballing between us, I focus on my boss as he grabs a smallish box wrapped in plain red wrapping paper and passes it to me without a word.

I tear up the wrapping paper, and my heart leaps at the sight of a book of math riddles and a gift voucher for Barbara’s bakery. “I love this, Travis. It’s perfect. Thank you.”

It really is. He knows math is my thing, and the fact that he remembered and put care into his gift makes my insides go all gooey.

As we make our way to the changing room, Jude thanks me again for the funny T-shirt, and I overhear Charlie telling Sandra how he can’t wait to take a shit. Fun mental picture right there.

After our gift exchange, Travis disappeared somewhere, and I haven’t seen him since. I don’t know if he’ll stay at the hotel tonight, too, but probably not. Nobody wants to spend the holidays away from home and their loved ones if they can prevent it, so I’d understand.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, dear?” Sandra asks me before they head over to their car. She knows I spentthe holidays alone last year and that this one will be no different. “I promise it’s no trouble. You like kids, right? Our grandson is coming over.”

I give her an apologetic smile. “I love kids, and thank you so much for offering, but I’m fine on my own. Really. I don’t celebrate Christmas anyway.”

The look she gives me is so full of pity, I suppress a wince. “It’d be a pleasure to have you over for dinner. If you change your mind, just call me or Jude.”

“Okay.” She knows I won’t, but I still appreciate her kindness. “Thank you again.”

“Of course.” She gives me another quick hug. “Take care, Allie, and happy holidays.”

“Merry Christmas to you guys.” I wave at her as she disappears down the street, following Jude and Charlie, who are chatting as they walk to their respective cars.

I’m zipping up my coat, ready to follow them, when an unmistakable voice stops me.


I turn to him with a smile. “Yes, boss man?”

The tight look on his face tells me what his words don’t—he’s done being my babysitter. And I’m fine with it, really. So what if knowing he was right next door allowed me to sleep through the night and not wake up drenched in my own sweat? Big deal.

He moves until the tips of his boots nearly graze my sneakers. “I have something else for you.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

Wordlessly, he reaches into one of his pockets and gives me a key.

If this were a movie and I had been watching it, I would’ve understood what that key meant right away. But because this is my life—a life I’m starting to doubt is even real—my mind empties.

My eyes are on Travis as I hold up a single house key between my fingers. They may or may not be shaking a little.

“What is this?”

Nothing, not a single thing in this world, could’ve prepared me for the words that leave Travis’s mouth next.

“You’re moving in with me.”

Chapter Twenty-One

I thinkI know what’s going on. When I left the hotel earlier today, I must have slipped and hit my head on the icy sidewalk. Yeah, that must be it. Because there’s no way my boss just told me to move in with him.

But two seconds of silence pass, then five and ten, and it hits me that this isn’t the product of a head injury. This is my life right now. Myreallife.

I open my mouth and close it again, unsure of what to even say. That I can’t accept? That he’s lost his ever-loving mind? That I’ll find a place soon?

We both know that won’t happen. These past few days, I’ve asked around town in case anyone knew of any rentals, but I haven’t had any luck. Overall, it’s not looking promising.
