Page 66 of The Lair

Travis takes one step forward, then another. He holds out his arms, wrapping them around my shoulders. When my wet cheek meets the warmth of his chest, covered in an old shirt that smells of detergent, it finally dawns on me.

My boss, this intimidating man who stayed up all night in my apartment to make sure I was safe and wears a friendship bracelet I made for him, ishuggingme.

“You’re okay,” that gruff voice says in a gentle tone I’d never heard from him before. “You were so fucking brave, Allie. I’m proud of you.”

Another tear falls, then more. Maybe it’s because I’m pressed against his chest and he can’t see my face, or maybe it’s because his hug feels like my only safe place right now. But I don’t overthink it when my arms wrap around his torso, hugging him back.

And when he pulls me closer to his body, I don’t overthink it either.

I let out a shaky breath. “They tried to… to…”

“Shh….” He buries his fingers in my hair. “You’re safe now, sweetheart. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”

My skin breaks out in a sea of goose bumps at the term of endearment, at the protectiveness of his words and embrace.

“I’m so sorry I spoke to you like that. I shouldn’t have. I was so fucking scared for you, and I didn’t handle it well.” I feel the hand on my back rubbing circles up and down my spine, soothing me. “You did good, Allie.”

I shut my eyes, begging the tears to stop, but I’m too shaken up to think straight.

Someone tried to break into my apartment while I was inside. What if they had succeeded?

“Look at me.”

What would have they done to me?

What if the police had taken longer to show up?

“Allie, look at me.”

A firm but gentle weight settles on my chin, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s Travis’s fingers, holding my chin up.

My eyes are so blurry, I might be imagining the soft look in his.

“I’m here, and you’re safe. You’re not alone anymore.”

I blink, and more tears fall. I think my bottom lip might be trembling. “I don’t want to stay here.”

He nods. “Where do you want to go?”

I wish I had a place to call home, a safe space to run to when the weight of life falls on me. But I don’t, I never have, and maybe I never will, so I’ll settle for the next best thing.

“Can you take me to a hotel?”

Travis searches my gaze before he nods again. “Grab your things and I’ll drive you. Yeah?”

I nod back as his warm fingers drop from my chin. Then I wipe at my eyes and try to muster as much strength as I can to start packing. There are only two hotels open during the winter season in Bannport, and knowing my luck, every room will be booked.

A few sets of clothes, all my underwear, my bathroom things, my shoes, my phone and charger, and all my cash later, I meet my boss at the door, from where he hasn’t moved.

“You ready to go?” he asks gently.

When I nod again, he grabs the backpack and small suitcase I’m carrying. I let him, too tired to argue.

We don’t speak as we walk to his car, the man who just hugged me and glued all my broken pieces back together staying right at my back the whole time. A bodyguard.

Once I’m strapped in, he drives away into the night. At some point, he asks, not turning his attention from the road, “You doing okay?”

I give him an honest answer. “Not really.”