Okay. This is happening. I’m not freaking out.
“I’ll give you an answer before next Wednesday.” Once I calm my nerves, I’ll need to do some research to avoid rattling off a number that is totally ridiculous. “Thank you for this, boss man. It might sound silly, but I’m really excited about it.”
The small smile curling the corner of his lips is reason enough to send my poor heart into overdrive. “There’s nothing silly about doing what you love.”
I’m trying. I’m really trying. But it’s like my boss—this older, grumpy, ex-military man with an intimidating exterior but a heart of gold—wants me to fall in love with him.
And I’m not convinced that I won’t.
Chapter Nineteen
With the stressof the past few days, I’d forgotten about Charlie giving Lola my phone number until she texts me the following night.
Hey Allie!!! This is Lola. Charlie said it was okay to give me your number, so I hope you don’t find this creepy. Would you like to meet for coffee after the holidays or whenever you’re free?? I can pick you up on your break from work. This is a very long text, sorry!!! It’s okay if you don’t want to hang out. Just let me know :)
Sitting cross-legged on my couch, I stare at my screen until it dawns on me that this is my life. That someone, for some reason, met me and thought I wascool. Cool enough to want to be my friend.
That’s because she doesn’t know who I really am.
I shake my head, willing the mean thoughts to go away. No matter what my mind tells me, I have the right to start over and to do it on my terms.
Hi, Lola! I’d love to meet for coffee this week. I get off work at three on Monday. Does that work for you?
I wait anxiously for a reply that comes only minutes later, my dinner from an hour ago jumping around in my stomach.
Yay!! I’m so excited. I know just the place, and you’re gonna be OBSESSED with their carrot cake cookies (Charlie said you liked carrot cake, and I hope the idiot wasn’t lying). I’ll pick you up <3
A warm sense of belonging settles in my chest. I can’t remember the last time I had a girlfriend, even though I’ve always longed for one of those tight-knit friendships I saw in movies and read about in books. I tell myself not to get my hopes up—I don’t know her well, after all—but I can’t help but nurse the good feeling I get from Lola.
He wasn’t lying. I love carrot cake. Can’t wait :)
Proud of myself for taking this step forward and not freaking out too much about it, I type a quick text to Jada with the news. I know she’ll be proud of me too.
As I press Send, something happens.
Something I can’t identify right away but know deep in my bones is bad. Really,reallybad.
A deafening sound comes from the direction of my front door—a loud boom that freezes my body on the spot. For a second, Ithink maybe someone’s knocking, but then I come to my senses—nobody knocks on a door as if they were trying to bash it down.
My spine stiffens, and panic wraps around my heart. I sit very still and listen for any sound inside or outside of my apartment.
A minute passes. Nothing.
What the hell was that?
I’m about to get up to look through the peephole when it happens again.
The best way I can describe it is as if someone was throwing themselves at the door, trying to break it down.
My hands start shaking with adrenaline, but I remind myself that the last thing I need is to let fear paralyze me. If nothing else, I’m a survivor.