How long are you staying there?
I didn’t consider Bannport an option, more like a quick stop. What did this town in the middle of nowhere have to offer?
A home, maybe.
Ha. The voice inside my head decided to crack some jokes today.
Home. I didn’t know the meaning of that word. Never had and suspected I never would.
I wasn’t planning on staying here.
Where are you running away to, honey?
A lump formed in my throat as two conflicting emotions crashed into me.
I hadn’t talked to Jada in four days, and I missed her voice terribly. I missed seeing her in person, too, but that wasn’t an option, and it wouldn’t be for a while.
I missed herpollo guisado, her warm hugs, the rich scent of the jasmine candles she burned at home, and the term of affection she’d been calling me since I was twelve. Since that day she stopped being just my schoolteacher and became the adult I needed to survive.
I gulped down half of my beer in a failed attempt to banish the painful memories, but when I set it back down with a thump, the questions were still there.
Am I still running away? Do I even know how to stop?
I’m not running away.
Can I call you?
One quick look at my battery percentage told me the answer, and it wasn’t the one I would’ve liked.
My phone is about to die, but maybe tonight?
Whenever you can, Allie. You know we’re here for you.
Tears pricked my eyes, but I wasnotgoing to start crying in the middle of a random sports bar while I was all alone. I wasnotgoing to show anyone around me weakness, let alone grown men ten times bigger and stronger than I was.
But Jada was right. I was running away—hadn’t stopped for the past few years—and maybe I needed to think about my next move for longer than two seconds.
Thank you. I love you both.
We love you too. Take care of yourself.