“Well,” he starts, shifting on the couch. The warmth of his hand seeps into my skin, and it’s not even touching my hair. “You’ve got us now too. Everyone at The Lair.”
My throat clogs up. I never expected to end up in Bannport, let alone to get close to my co-workers. But in a little over a year, we’ve become a unit that makes me feel like I belongsomewhere for the very first time.
“I’m here for you guys as well,” I mutter in the darkness. I hope he can tell I mean every word.
It must be the fever messing with his brain chemicalsis what I tell myself when, just a moment later, Travis’s fingers tangle in my hair. My heartbeat comes to a halt, only to pick back up with a brutal force as he starts massaging my scalp.
I have no idea what’s gotten into him, but I don’t question it. I lean into his touch, not surprised that my body relaxes at once because he has that effect on me. He’s the only one who makes me feel safe enough to turn my brain off.
Drawing my knees to my chest, I close my eyes andbreathe. I enjoy the here and now, with him, not thinking about my past or my future. Just him.
“Allie?” His quiet rumble pierces through my nearly asleep state.
“You know I’m here for you, don’t you?”
I open my eyes to find him staring at me with a kind of quiet softness that makes my breath hitch. And I nod, resisting the urge to climb into his lap and hide my face in the crook of his neck—he can’t expect me notto want to do that when he says things like that.
“I’m here for you too,” I tell him in a whisper.
He’s gentle as he cups the back of my neck. “You can tell me anything. I’ll never judge you. You got that?”
The lump in my throat makes a reappearance. “I got that.”
He closes the distance between us slowly. The next thing I feel are his warm lips on my forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to my skin.
“Good night, sweetheart. Thanks for taking care of my grumpy ass.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
It’sa quiet afternoon at The Lair a week after Travis’s sick day, and I’m distracted.
My forehead still tingles from Travis’s lingering kiss, and my mind is still filled with questions about his behavior on New Year’s. Why did the fireworks make him flinch? And why did Uncle Neil send him that warning look?
Travis is so imposing, so dominating, such a protector, it’s strange to find out he’s not invincible. That there’s something out there that gets to him.
It’s unfair for me to think this way. No matter how strong or brave, we all have weaknesses, and Travis is no different. I wish I’d had the courage to pry further that night, but the moment is gone, and I won’t get it back.
I’m brought back to the present by the front door opening and Tom, Charlie’s friend from the New Year’s Eve party, walking in.
The bar is pretty deserted aside from two occupied tables at the back. Despite him being a bit of a flirt at the lake, I give him a welcoming smile as he approaches the bar, where I’m polishing some glasses.
“Hey, Tom. What can I get you?”
I don’t notice his stoic expression right away. He was nothing but playful—and maybe a bit drunk—at the fireworks show, but there seems to be no trace of that carefree guy as our eyes meet now.
He looks at me with intent, as if he were analyzing my every breath, and leans over the bar in a way that feels too practiced. Like he’s trying to appear nonchalant, but his body is too stiff to make it work. He licks his lips. “I came to talk to you, actually. If you have a minute.”
I glance around the bar, knowing I can’t use theSorry, we’re too busy right nowexcuse because there’s almost nobody in here. Jude and Travis are taking inventory in the kitchen, so it’s just me at the front—I could tell him that.
But then he insists, “It’s kind of urgent.”
“Sure.” I force a relaxed smile. “How can I help you?”
“You’re Allison Buccieri, aren’t you?”