I’m definitely not looking forward to trying to reason with a misogynistic ass, but at this point, I would do anything to get out of this place.Almostanything.
One of those massive hands moves to his head. He massages the short hairs at the back of his skull before letting out a long, tired breath. “I’m not saying you can’t take care of yourself, but I want to be there. Consider me backup.”
In the past, I would have given anything to have someone care for me like this. Then I grew a thick skin and nerves of steel and convinced myself I didn’t need anyone to survive, not even Jada. Because, realistically, I was alone.
But I don’t have to be alone anymore. At least, tomorrow morning I won’t.
My head and my heart need a break from being on edge all the time. When Travis is around, it’s like both can sign off for the day, as I let him take the reins. Unlike everywhere else I’ve worked in the past six years, at The Lair I don’t feel watched or in danger. I don’t feel the need to be on the lookout all the time.
Travis cares. He might not be the best at showing it, but he can’t deny it.
I give him a sincere smile. “Thanks, Travis. The tour is tomorrow at ten. Does that work for you?”
His eyes are on me as he nods.
“Do you want to stay a while?” The question is out before I can stop myself. “I mean, if you have somewhere else to be?—”
“I can stay,” he says. “If you want me to.”
Maybe it should freak me out that my boss is in my apartment right now, eating dinner with me. But it doesn’t, not in the slightest, and I’m not ready to unpack why his presence calms me down to the point where I’m not worried about any break-ins anymore.
I’m going to see an apartment tomorrow, and I have a good feeling about it. This might be one of my last nights living in this part of town, and I refuse to focus on the dangers that might be lurking outside.
Travis is here.
“Of course you can stay.”
We don’t speak again as I turn on the TV and put on a movie. It’s a romantic comedy, but if Travis hates it, he doesn’t comment on it. I pay attention for about ten minutes before my eyes start getting too heavy to keep them open.
The last thing I feel before darkness takes over is the weight of something soft and warm being draped over me.
Chapter Fifteen
A soundinside my apartment jolts me awake. It’s faint, barely there, but I hear it.
Steps. Footsteps.
I shoot up, forcing my eyelids open, and bump my foot on the coffee table.
“Shit,” I mutter in pain.
Someone’s inside my apartment?—
“You okay?”
I know that gruff voice.
Blowing out a breath, the sharp pain in my foot subsides as I rub it with my hand. “I thought someone had broken in.”
The couch groans under Travis’s weight as he sits. “Sorry I woke you up.”
Between my hammering heartbeat and my throbbing foot, it takes me a moment to notice the steamy mug in his hand. I left a pot of coffee ready for tomorrow morning on the stove, and it makes me smile that he helped himself to some because it means he feels comfortable here. In my presence.
And then I notice the clothing item that is definitelynotmine draped over my lap.