Fear hit me like a bucket of ice water.
“You seem a little tongue tied.” He chuckled, “Trying to act a little smart, are we?”
“You tried to kill us! Do you expect me to exchange pleasantries?”
“Theo here thought he was being very sneaky, but the walls have ears.” Devin said, “Now, listen carefully. I want you to take a cab and come home. Am I understood?”
“Go to hell.” I said, biting back a few other choice words.
“I see. So you want to make this difficult for both of us. Well, how about this...” I heard a loud scream coming from somewhere on the side. They were hurting Theo.
“Don’t touch him!” I yelled into the phone.
“If you don’t take the cab home right now, you will hear about Teddy’s drowning accident on TV. I’ll give you three hours. After that, I’ll gather the media and tell them how you planned to murder my poor brother and when it didn’t work out, you kidnapped him for a ransom. You’re smart, my love, but I’m smarter.” That said, he hung up.
How did he find out about the hospital? I didn’t think Theo would give out the address. He wouldn’t, unless Devin had done some sweeping, taken a wild guess about the hospital that was nearest to the location of the accident.
That could be possible.
“Is everything alright?” The receptionist seemed genuinely concerned.
“Yes, we’re fine.”
Not really. We’re about to ride a cab to our deaths.
I could run, but run where? And could I stomach having something happen to Theo on my conscience? I was selfish to think Castle and I could just pack and drive into the sunset.
He would find us, and we would still end up dead.
We walked out of the hospital and I hailed down a cab. A well-dressed, middle-aged woman was standing at the door. When I looked at her, she gave me a smile.
A cab stopped in front of me, and we settled inside it. I told the driver the address while my thoughts started scattering about. My mind was running through all the possibilities and how Castle and I could get out of this situation unscathed.
I didn’t like the answer.
I think I was blank for the entire two hours that took us to get to the house because there was nothing I could do.
We’d been so close to earning freedom...
Winston opened the car door, and I stepped inside the mansion like I was a robot set up to do so.
Devin was in the den, Theo was nowhere in view. “Welcome home. I hope you had a great trip.” The sides of his mouth turned in mock humor.
I sat down on the plush couch, and then I tuned him out because he was going on and on about how I had tried to escape his clutches.
Am I going to give up so soon?
Castle walked to the end on my opposite side and sat down on the single velvet chair. It always reminded me of a throne with its gliding golden frame and a tiger face carved into it.
I watched as he slowly crossed his legs, right to left. His arms resting on the sides, his fingers picked the crystal pyramid, and he swirled it between his fingers in skillful motions. His expressions remained schooled, but there was a dangerous aura that was emanating from him.
And then his gaze met mine, and we remained transfixed. Something flashed in his golden-brown eyes. It was all clear to me.
The playful innocent glint was missing, the softness no more.
He didn’t recognize me anymore.
My Castle was gone!