I listened to him silently. “He came back a few years later, and good for us, Mom already had paperwork done stating that when Castle was of a legal age, he was to inherit everything. Devin and Dayana had no right over the estate or the money, not even a single piece of the fucking furniture and when the lawyer announced this...you should have seen their faces.”
“And since then, Castle has been taking care of everything like he should be. This house is ours. They are nobody, and the only reason they forced you to marry him is because they wanted to shame him. No offense to you, Millie.”
“None taken.”
“They thought since Castle was helpless and couldn’t remember a thing, they’d hire help—someone with no family background or wealth and marry her off to him. They assumed that Castle in his right mind would never stoop so low as to marry a maid. You get what I’m saying?”
I nodded. They wanted to embarrass him. A business tycoon getting married to a nobody...yeah, they’d basically tarnished his name.
“We have to fix this,” Theo said. “Make Castle remember...keep asking him to remember...”
“I can’t do that! He gets upset, and he gets these headaches.”
“What headaches?”
“If he tries to remember his past, his head hurts, and his body trembles.”
“I don’t care. He needs to remember before we’re slaughtered!”
“Did I hear about slaughtering?” Devin walked into the room with his easy swagger, “You know who gets slaughtered? Pigs...are you a pig, Teddy?”
“I don’t talk to stinky assholes.”
Devin ignored his brother and turned to me, tossing an envelope on the coffee table. “I figured you and Castle could use a quick getaway, a honeymoon, since you never got a chance before.”
“A honeymoon?” I asked.
“Yes. The maids have already packed Castle’s luggage. I’ve instructed them to pack yours as well. You’re flying to Paris on a private jet. The car will be here exactly in an hour. Sorry, this might be a little sudden, but Castle was subdued this morning because of his recent episode. It’s not a good sign. I think a change of scenery would do him good.”
“Yes, but?—”
“Prepare for the trip. Off you go.” He pointed towards the staircase.
Castle was seated right next to me, and our luggage was in the trunk.
It was not uncommon for the Montgomery’s taking international trips on a whim. Devin and Dayana occasionally flew to different countries just to shop for a pair of shoes. To them, it was like taking a trip to the mall.
Trixie stood on the lawn looking at us. The German shepherd was trying to hop into the car, barking incessantly, pulling on her leash to get to Castle.
Castle opened the door of the car, noticing the dog’s obvious distress, and raised his hand towards her. The servant holdingthe dog’s leash let go, and the dog came to Castle, scratching his paw on his leg and licking his face.
Castle laughed, “You’re a good girl, Trixie. I’ll be back…soon…before you know it.”
Chandler came running towards us and started getting inside the car. “I want to go on this trip with Castle and Millie.”
“Chandler, they wouldn’t have time for you. Come here.”
“But I want to go to Paris!”
“Chandler! I told you to come here.”
Huffing, he climbed out of the car and walked towards Devin. “Get me a box of macarons. All different colors.”
“Okay, buddy,” Castle promised.
Devin got hold of Trixie’s collar and pulled her back. “Down, girl.”
Trixie wouldn’t listen. She was still barking, trying to get out of the leash. “I said, down!”