Devin looked at the paper, “You’re right. As long as it looks exactly like her signature. Well done, Daya.”
I didn’t know what more problems were going to befall over me, and I knew nothing would prepare me for what they had planned. I wasn’t sure why they were being so cruel.
Castle’s parents, especially his mother Aster, had taken in two unfortunate children and given them a roof over their heads, wealth, education, and everything else that kids born in the family would have gotten. They were biting the hand that fed them.
Their greed knew no bounds.
The door opened, and I climbed to my feet, spitting out the cloth from my mouth.
“Karma is going to come for you soon, Devin, and when it does, I’m going to be there to see it happen.”
He grinned, “Can’t wait.”
“Millie, my head hurts,” Castle complained when I went upstairs to our bedroom. He was holding his head between his hands, his face contorted with pain.
“What’s happening to you?”
“I...I don’t know.” He was breathing hard. He grabbed my hand. “I need my medication! It’s throbbing…the pain’s unbearable…”
“The meds are not good for your health.”
His eyes shifted to my fingers. “What’s wrong with your hand?”
“It’s nothing. I cut myself on the chopping board.” I lied to him. “I’ll see if I can find some Advil for your pain, okay?”
I found some pills in the drawer and handed it to him. Then, I changed into my nightgown, aware of his watchful eyes following me.
“You’re lying.” He said.
“You’re lying about your hand.” He pointed out, “What...what happened to you, Millie? Who did this to you? Don’t lie to me.”
I couldn’t control myself. If he wanted the truth, he would get it. “Your family is evil. Your brother and sister are monsters! And they plan to do vile things to us.”
He was on the edge now. I had his attention. “What vile things?”
I made sure the door was locked. “I think they want to kill you and frame me for it.”
“No.” He said almost as if his denial would be enough to prove me wrong.
“It’s true! They are making me out to be a gold-digger who laundered money from your company when I have done no such thing. They are creating this bizarre scenario so that it would be easier for them to kill you and make me a scapegoat.”
“Devin is my…brother. He wouldn’t do that,” Castle whispered. “I...I handed over the company to him after my accident because I couldn’t remember my past…much less how to run a corporation. It was voluntarily…so why would he kill me?”
“Because they are afraid you would remember!” I whisper-screamed at him. I walked closer to him, and brought my hand up to touch his face, “They are afraid you would remember each and everything about the accident and whatever happened before that. Devin and Dayana want you out of the picture.”
“They are...they are going to kill me?”
“Baby, I won’t let them touch a hair on your head. You have my word.” I said, hugging his head to my chest, “But you have to remember…”
His light brown eyes filled with confused tears, his face contorted with betrayal. “It’s all hazy and unclear. I can’t remember anything…after the day I turned up at the funeral.”
I wiped his tear with the pad of my thumb, “You have to try harder, baby. That’s the only way we can stop them.”
“Or what happens?”
I knew hiding the truth from him was of no use. We didn’t have the liberty to keep information from him that could only cause him harm.