Page 69 of Castle

“Dad was standing right here when he slipped and toppled over. His head hit the railing here and there was a loud crack, it was the sound of his skull breaking and I was sitting here...” he pointed at the leather seat near to where I was standing. “And I saw everything. He fell into the water...and we saw it, Millie...we heard it...clear as day...” his voice came in a choked whisper and his brown eyes turned a shade darker. The anger and frustration were shining in them. “We heard the boat’s fan running through his body...and the blood...god there was so much blood just spreading through the water...” he gripped the railing of the boat until his knuckles turned white.

There was a distant look in his eyes, and I knew he was remembering the gruesome details. I didn’t have the heart to ask him about their mother; it would be like opening more wounds.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I’m so sorry.”

“The cleaners came in and tried to scrub the blood from the railings, but it wouldn’t go. No matter how much they tried, it stayed as a grim reminder of that day and we never got it replaced or repainted.”

“When I close my eyes at night...I remember everything. Every single detail and it keeps playing in my head. I want this fucking nightmare to end.”

He stopped talking when we heard the sounds of footsteps descending.

Castle was standing there. “Why did you guys stop talking?”

“It was nothing.” Theo said, “Got emotional. There’s champagne in the fridge.”

The mansion wasn’t visible, and we were in the middle of the lake, darkness surrounding us from all sides. We hadn’t gone far, Devin wouldn’t even allow it and the anklets would have sent out warning signals.

The yacht was anchored and since the boat was now stable; we had our snacks while we played cards. Theo was pro at it, and I had a burning suspicion he was good at cheating. So far, he hadn’t told me what he planned on doing and that just continued to stress me.

After an hour, he stood up. “I’m going out to get some fresh air. You guys wanna come with?”

He was so laid back; I wondered if he’d changed his plan. I was kind of hoping that was the case. The brothers were talking while we stood there watching the serene lake. The moon hung low behind the trees and the light illuminated the water.

A lovely night…

Then there was a loud splash.

Theo had pushed Castle out of the yacht.

I couldn’t believe what he’d done.

“Theo!” I screamed.

Castle was nowhere in view and my heart pounded as fear stole my ability to think.

“Why did you do that? You told me he would be safe! This was not in the plan. Castle…Castle!”

I stared at the dark waters and I was ready to jump after him when Castle’s head bobbed above the surface.

“You little shit!” Castle appeared to be angry. “What was that for?”

Theo laughed, “Loosen up a little. Be a sport, Cas.”

Castle reached the step and moved up. Theo offered him his hand. “You can throw me in when you’re up here, I promise.” He said jokingly.

“You’re an immature kid.”

He started pulling him up, but then something changed.

He caught Castle at a disadvantage and shoved him down into the water again.

“I hope you’ll forgive me, Cas.”

“Theo, Stop!” I yelled at him as I tried to push him away, but he was powerful. He knocked me into the corner.

I watched in horror as Theo continued to push Castle’s head into the water and my husband struggled to come up for air, struggled to breathe…

Castle thrashed his arms in the water to survive but whatever had possessed Theo, his desperate need to succeed surpassed everything else. Theo was on a mission. He wouldn’t fail.