“Thank you so much…I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
He pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. “You’re…you’re a very simple girl.” He laughed.
What if he completely forgot about me after he regained his memories?
What if he refused to acknowledge me as his wife?
What if he realized I was far below his league and wanted a divorce?
Then I’d be free.A small voice inside my head whispered.
There would be no more crazy in-laws trying to mess with my life. Castle would take charge and change things around here.
I would be happy for him if he got his memories back, but it came at a price. He could forget me.
I took his hands in mine. “Whatever happens…know that I’ll always love you, okay?” I told him.
He had a confused look on his face. “I don’t understand.”
I wiped my tears, shaking my head, and plastering a fake smile. “Let’s go. Theo is waiting.”
I openedthe diary again to read it. Castle was still in bed, and I was taking a bubble bath in the tub. No one was going to disturb me right now, and the door was locked. Castle wouldn’t wake up for another hour and I needed to do a pep talk before this evening. I had to convince Castle to go to the yacht with me.
I picked up reading where I left off. The next dog-eared page was four years later.
Aster Montgomery’s Journal.
January 10th
Castle is such a lovely boy. My boy has dark hair and golden-brown eyes that look like glimmering imperial topaz. He’s a gem indeed, my Castle. He’s such a smart kid, even at four, I know Castle is special.
I named him Castle because it suits him. He’s nothing less than a prince. Everyone in the house adores him. Dad is always buying him gifts and taking him out for walks. He is completely spoilt. I mean, who has an entire room filled with toys? He merely points at something and he gets it.
I think it’s safe to say that things have changed for the better.
The madness has finally ended.
Dad has changed too. He’s not doing those crazy rituals in the house, and I’m sure about this because I don’t see bodies in the house anymore and that gives me hope.
I think meeting his grandson has made him undergo a change of heart.
“Millie, maybe we should just do this by the lake.” Castle suggested. His forehead had worry lines etched in them.
“Trust me, this will be fun,” I assured him as I dragged him towards the lake by his arm.
It was a yacht namedPhantom.
Castle froze on the spot as he stared at the yacht. “I’m not sure why…but I don’t like being on boats anymore. I can’t remember why…I don’t like it at all.”
I went up on my toes and kissed his cheek, “Do it for me. It would be fun.”
You’re a nasty bitch, Millicent! And you’re probably going to hell for this.
He put one of his arms around my waist. “I’ll do anything for you.”